CUTS in housing benefit are being introduced without any research on their likely impact, according to Warrington North MP Helen Jones.
When she tabled Parliamentary questions about the number of people in Warrington in supported housing and the number likely to be remain there after the cuts are introduced, she was told “The information is not available.”
She said: “It is madness to introduce a policy which will hurt vulnerable people and probably cost local councils and therefore council tax payers more without any idea of how it will work.”
Ms Jones said it seemed the Government was cut benefit for people in supported housing without carrying out any research and with no information on its impact.
She said: “The Chancellor recently announced that Housing Benefit would be limited to the level of Local Housing Allowance.
“The impact on many people, especially those in supported housing, will be severe. Yet the Government has not modelled the impact of this policy.
“I tabled Parliamentary questions about the number of people in supported
housing in Warrington, the number likely to be unable to remain there after the cap is introduced and the likely loss of income to providers of such housing. The government has responded by saying ‘the information is not available.’
“Very vulnerable people such as the elderly and people with disabilities will be effected by this policy yet they have no information on how it will work.
“I also asked about the likely cost to local councils if people had to leave supported housing and required extra social care or residential care as a result. Again I was told that ‘further information is not available.’
“ It is madness to introduce a policy which will hurt vulnerable people and probably cost local councils and therefore council tax payers more without any idea of how it will work.
“Once again, vulnerable people in Warrington are being targeted by this Government.”
Housing benefit cuts are “madness” says MP