Council risks “Ombudsman referral”


CROFT Borough and Parish Councillor Chris Vobe has hit out at the Borough Council’s planning department over their treatment of the village, after a planning application was approved by officers despite requests for elected councillors to debate the decision.
Cllr Vobe (pictured) accused the planning department officers of having an “in-built bias” against the Croft community, which he says is evidenced by their handling of the HMS Gosling development, as well as the latest controversial issue.
“A planning application was submitted for agricultural storage on Stone Pit Lane. Whilst we strive to support our farming and agricultural community, residents had real concerns about the effects of increased traffic on this narrow road and whether the location was suitable. They rightly sent their objections to the planning department and I asked for this matter to be sent to a committee of elected councillors for the case to be debated and decided.
“Instead, council officers seem to have taken it upon themselves to approve this application – just 48 hours after my request for a committee referral was made.
“What is even more bizarre is that, when challenged on why the matter did not go before a committee, the council are claiming my letter went astray – yet they have published it on their website right beneath the document which sets out their final decision! If this was not so serious, it would almost be comical.”
Residents’ anger over this planning application has been heightened after they discovered that only one consultation letter had been sent out by the council – to the person who had submitted the application!
Cllr Vobe added: “This is outrageous. People who work hard and pay their council tax have a right to submit their views – whether for or against – on any planning application affecting where they live. The planning department have simply sidelined them by sending a single letter to the person who actually submitted these plans. I don’t think it would have taken Einstein to work out that they probably weren’t going to object!”
Meanwhile Cllr Vobe has also pointed out that the document which revealed the council’s decision to approve permission had initially been labelled with the wrong planning application number. After he informed the officer of their mistake, he returned the next day to view the report online – only to discover that someone had tipexed out the wrong number and pencilled in the correct one.
“This is the same shoddy treatment of Croft that we saw over the development of the HMS Gosling site. It is as if local people’s views don’t
matter. I am appalled that, when I asked an officer whether the council had a vendetta against Croft, they couldn’t give me a denial. That only goes to confirm their in-built bias against the community I represent,” added Cllr Vobe.
“The council risks a referral to the Ombudsman over this kind of farce. An independent person should be brought in to examine what has gone wrong, and why we have been let down. Whoever is responsible for these mistakes should be held to account. We now await the council’s internal investigation which, at the very least, should be varnished with a heartfelt apology to the residents who have been affected by this shambles.”
A council spokesperson said: “A detailed review report has been provided to Cllr Vobe about this issue and his concerns.
“The conclusion is that the application was considered appropriately, properly and within the delegated powers of the council.
“Unfortunately, Cllr Vobe’s request for a referral to the development management committee was made extremely late and after the decision was made and decision notice issued.
“The application was published in accordance with statutory requirements and within the agreed consultation period.
“The council vehemently denies there is any evidence of bias or pre-disposed views towards planning applications in Croft.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I should imagine Cllr Vobe also fills the role of Village Idiot for Croft?

    He knows what delegated powers Officers have, and the reasons they have them so why question them, unless he doesn’t understand the way local government works?

  2. "Cllr Vobe accused the planning department officers of having an “in-built bias” against the Croft community" Maybe the planning department, rightly, has a bias against Cllr Vobe, who frankly seems like a right pain in the posterior. Just wondering, does he actually have a proper job, or is playing politics it. Is a councillor well paid?

  3. On the contrary, people in Croft are not fed up with Cllr Vobe who works very hard for the village and is well respected. Perhaps when more councillors decide to speak up and get a grip of the planning department we will be in a better place. Needless to say you don’t live in Croft, Mr Riley, so your view doesn’t count for much!

  4. This is not and will not be the last “mistake” by our “accident prone” planning department. If it is as reported, this situation should be aired.

    Cllr Vobe seems to do a very good job of representing those in his constituency. A lot more than some of the other party faithfuls, who tend always toe the party line rather than rock the political boat.

  5. Totally clueless and constantly attacking the council that he is part of – looks like yet another shot in the foot for young councillor vobe!

  6. But it wasn’t a “mistake” by the Planning Department, they were doing what they are allowed to do under delegated powers. Cllr Vobe knows this, and if he was that concerned about the planing application why didn’t he do something about it earlier on in the process?

  7. Seems to be Out of Warrington that Cllr Vobe and his mother have a vendetta agains the Council and no matter what sensible minded people of this town think will use every opportunity to attack the way the council is run. He also likes to be in the limelight.

  8. Haven’t I read somewhere that delegated powers here have often been misused by those who have them? Isn’t it just possible this maybe the case again? Nothing in the article gives a clue to whether it was or wasn’t, but all the anti Vobe sentiment here suggests more than has been published.

  9. The point here is the behaviour of the Council Planning Department…. And yes, if anyone cares to look, the evidence is on their own web-site!!!

    – Why did they ignore (not read) Cllr Vobe’s letter and ignore his instruction.

    – Why did they only issue ONE “Neighbour” letter – TO THE APPLICANT!!!

    – One to add – There’s even obvious handwritten date changes in the Planning Application Progress Chart including Officer Recommendation date!!!

    All very suspicious and indeed worrying. It’s the Planning Department we should be considering / discussing!….. Not petty politics.

  10. This is not the first time the planning department has acted in a less than complete way, leading people to question their motives. Cllr Vobe was right to draw attention to it. Strimmer is right, petty politics have for too long concealed the faults in our planning procedures and prevented improvements being made to root out the causes of the trouble.

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