APPARENTLY we have a high risk of suffering a premature death (under 75) if we live in Warrington according to a new national health study.
Warrington has a particularly poor record for premature deaths from heart attacks and strokes.
With another report coming out in quick succession showing Warrington ranking as the fourth most expensive place to die in the North West and another stating that skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer in the town – it all makes very depressing reading.
Our industrial past may be one reason for the poor premature death rates – but I’ve no idea why we should be one of the most expensive town’s for funeral expenses – and we certainly don’t enjoy as much sunshine as other parts of the country, although over use of sun beds is also being blamed for the increase.
The clear message is we all have a duty as residents of Warrington to try and improve our health – whether it be by quitting smoking, taking more exercise, losing weight, cutting down on alcohol, having healthier diets and most importantly, especially for men – not ignoring symptoms!
We have an abundance of facilities in the town, in particular the new multi-million pound Orford Park Jubilee Hub, which is a one stop shop for improving your health!
Having lost more than two stones over the past year drop me a line if you want any tips!
Is Warrington bad for your health?