ELECTION time is fast approaching and with the controlling Lib-Dem/Tory coalition having a majority of just one, it would be no great surprise if Labour are not back in control at Warrington Town Hall after the May 5 elections.
With a Conservative/Lib Dem coalition running the country and various cut-backs and job losses in the public sector, the current administration at the town hall must be fearing the worst.
Here at warrington-worldwide we, as always, remain fiercely politically independent, with the philosphy of always supporting those, from whichever political party, who we believe are doing their best for the people of Warrington.
There are good people in all the mainstream political parties, who work hard for their local communities.
I have worked with some of them for ther best part of 30 years and seen the town hall run by the Conservatives, Labour and the Lib-Dem/Tory coalition.
They have all done good and sometimes not so good things and at the end of the day you are never going to please all of the people all of the time.
So when it comes to putting your x on your ballot paper think long and hard about the best person to serve your local community.
Try to put party politics into the back ground and vote for the best person to serve your needs in your local community.
If we end up with a town hall full of hard working community minded people, hopefully they will be able to remove their political blinkers and work for the good of our town – and most importantly use your vote.
It is no good moaning after May 5 if you don’t like the local decisions being made by your elected representatives.
This year you will also get a chance to vote Yes or No on the controversial AV (Alternative Vote) voting system whereby you can, if you so choose, vote in order of preference for everyone on the ballot paper – so make sure you don’t waste your vote!
Time for change?
1 Comment
THX that’s a great aneswr!