Two libraries may be axed


TWO libraries could close and the mobile library service could be axed if proposals to next week’s meeting of Warrington Borough Council’s executive board are accepted.
The closures would help the council achieve annual savings of £387,000 – but Town Hall chiefs insist the changes proposed are to take the library service forward, not to make savings.
Executive director for neighbourhoods and communities Joe Blott said: “The need to make savings is not the driving force.”
The proposals have come from an independent library review board set up in May and consisting of library users, staff, union representatives, council officers and others. It was chaired by Graham Luccock, former head of leisure and culture at neighbouring Trafford Council.
If the executive board agrees, they will go out to widespread public consultation.
The review board has have put forward two options but have unanimously supported Option One, to close Grappenhall Library, Great Sankey Library and the Mobile Library Service from next April.
Other reductions would be achieved through anticipated vacancies, redirection of management costs, reducing book stocks, ceasing all periodicals and making further efficiencies on supplies and services.
Option Two would involve cutting library opening hours by an average of five hours per week per library, cutting book stocks, ceasing periodicals, redirecting management costs and further efficiencies.
But the review board’s report says: “Difficult though the thought of closing libraries might be, the choice is between a reduced but adequately resourced service, and a service which limps along with drastically reduced staffing, opening hours and book fund, incapable of effectively delivering a meaningful service in the future.”
The board also believes the second option would reduce the service to such a point that it would potentially be in breach of the council’s duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient service under the Libraries Act.
Head of libraries Martin Gaw said: “Closing any library is not attractive. But Option One will affect 2,700 out of 40,000 library users while Option Two will affect all 40,000 users.”
He said the library service had been modernised significantly over the last 10 years but it was acknowledged they would need to develop further if they were to remain relevant in a changing society and remain sustainable in a time of financial stringency for the public sector.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I presume if the closure option is decided upon then the two libraries and land will be SOLD? For anyone who is interested WOOLSTON library (building and land) is up for AUCTION this coming Thursday with a guide price of £70k freehold. Bargain 🙂

  2. There is no place for none central libraries anymore. School children should have acess to a inschool library. adults can use central, so who benefits from them? doleys surfing facebook…no loss

  3. Very ignorant comment. What about the elderly and disabled who struggle to get out and about. I know quite a few who use the mobile library at Howley.

    Perhaps that’s why the libraries have been brought up to modern times just to confuse users, so that they can shut them down.

  4. obviously those libraries suggested for closure will have been assessed by how many people use them – and those people questioned “where would you go if this library closed?”

    Why not only open on a Saturday and a week day during school term to allow for school children to visit after school and only open on Saturdays during school holidays?


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