OFFICIAL GCSE data by the Department for Education (DfE) has once again comfortably revealed that Lymm High School is in the top ten mixed comprehensive schools in the North West.
Coincidentally the publication of the Sunday Times ‘Parent Power’ league tables, ranked Lymm High School as the 4th best comprehensive school in the North West – using a combination of GCSE and A’ level data.
This all comes off the back of being recognised in the Daily Mail’s top 100 state schools last year.
Lymm High School Head Teacher Gwyn Williams said: “We are delighted to have been recognised again by the Sunday Times as one of the top schools and Sixth Forms in the region.
“A lot of people have worked very hard over the past few years to put us in this position and it’s very much been a collaborative endeavour between staff, parents and students.
“There’s no getting away from the fact that exam results really matter and it’s always great to see GCSE and A’ level students realising how many more doors are open to them as a result of their academic success.
“Everybody can feel justifiably proud of their efforts and this recognition just helps provide a little boost in terms of pressing on with further improvements.”
Mr Williams added: “We are even more pleased with the details of the official Department for Education data that was published which shows that students didn’t just achieve very high grades but also that students of all abilities made exceptional progress during their time at Lymm High School. Equally, the consistency of high performance across all the main subject areas was fantastic to see – again, the product of much hard work by so many people in our community.”