A PLAN to open a bar selling craft beers and artisan wines and spirits in London Road, Stockton Heath has been thrown out by Warrington planning chiefs.
The scheme involved a currently unoccupied shop, formerly used as a clothing shop.
Seven members of the public objected to the scheme and there were expressions of concern from Stockton Heath Parish Council.
Borough councillor Judith Wheeler, also opposed the scheme, on the grounds of a lack of information provided by the applicant.
She said: “This is a woeful design and access statement, which is purely speculative for a vacant building.
“ I appreciate that there is a second stage in this change of use (the granting of a premises licence) but this application should be refused at this initial stage.
“ There is a significant impact on residential amenity because this building is very close to residential property (Bridgewater Mews) which has a number of elderly residents.
“ Residents are already negatively affected by noise and disturbance on the opposite side of the road and from other licensed premises in the village. There are also concerns about parking as there is limited on street parking and a significant amount of illegal parking.”
Warrington Borough Council planning officers refused the application because the proposal had an unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents. The potential for noise generation from outdoor seating proposals had not been adequately addressed by mitigation measures.
Given the proximity of sensitive receptors and the proposed use, suitable mitigation seemed unlikely to be achieved. Additionally, the frequency of movements to and from the proposed site as well as the proposed operating hours were likely to cause an adverse impact to the amenity of neighbouring residents.