A new project to empower residents to lead creative events in their own communities and neighbourhoods has been launched by Culture Warrington.
The arts charity’s ‘Cultural Community Champions’ scheme offers training, support and funding to ensure that people within their own communities are driving the success of their own initiatives.
It has been made possible thanks to Arts Council England’s Place Partnership Fund which is built around strengthening existing cultural activity in Warrington, recognising people who are passionate about where they live, finding new opportunities for collaboration and removing the notion that ‘nothing happens in our area’.
Also supported by Warrington Borough Council and Warrington BID, Cultural Community Champions taps into the unique talents and proud identities found within Warrington’s diverse communities – initially focusing on Latchford, Howley, Poplars and Hulme, Orford, Fairfield, and Bewsey, Whitecross and Dallam in 2024.
The initiative is unique in that it puts residents in complete control, allowing them to design the projects, set budgets and manage every detail – ensuring their events are made with, for and by the community.
Jake Liken, Creative Producer for Communities at Culture Warrington, said: “Throughout this project, we’re supporting our communities to have the tools they need to thrive creatively and culturally. This is an exciting opportunity to showcase the incredible talent and dedication that exists within our neighbourhoods.
“By individuals from the area leading the project, it means that even the smallest details are carried out in the best way for that specific community – acknowledging that each area has differences that deserve recognition and celebration.”
Some of the communities involved are already reaping the benefits with a series of vibrant events ready to take place.
Highlights include Howley and Fairfield’s Flag Festival on Sunday, 8 September, 1pm-4pm at The Old School, 17 Fairfield Street, Warrington and Latchford’s Carnival of Creativity on Saturday, 7 September, 12pm-3pm at Westy Park, Latchford. There has also been a variety of efforts from Cultural Community Champions to create additional cultural consultation, signposting and more in other areas involved.
Cultural Community Champions aims to create a lasting network of creative leaders across Warrington – and more people are currently being invited to take part whether they are from the areas involved or simply passionate about making a positive difference.
Ange Davenport, a Cultural Community Champion for Latchford, added: “Culture comes in many forms, and it’s great that communities are being given the chance to say what their culture is and what they feel enriched by. It gives people a little bit of belief in themselves, it’s created excitement.”
This initiative has been made possible with support from Arts Council England, Warrington Borough Council and Warrington BID, as well as in collaboration with various local organisations that have provided essential resources, support and contacts.
To get involved, visit Culture Warrington’s social media, email [email protected], or sign up at https://forms.office.com/e/XLzmmLFHbj