5 Strategies For Breaking A Bad Habit And Improving Lifestyle


Changing the habits you got used to before is hard, especially if you’re still beginning. Some people need help with changing their bad habits whenever they encounter a tempting situation.

Thus, it’s a long process you must go through repeatedly until you finally successfully overcome the bad habits hindering you from attaining a good life.

Habits play a huge aspect in a person’s life. Suppose your usual negative habits include gossiping, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, lying, exposing yourself to too many gadgets, and not sleeping early. If you don’t work on improving your life and overall health, it may pose greater damage to your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being.

The good news is that breaking bad habits may be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Many people have already been able to leave all their bad habits behind and live a better life through various strategies. So, below are five strategies that you can do to help you break a bad habit slowly but effectively:

Set Up A Reminder

A smart way to keep you reminded of your goals and must-dos is to set up a reminder. This is an effective way to keep track of your daily needs. Try writing on sticky notes and pasting them on your wall, creating visual reminders, and putting an alarm on your phone.

For example, people who tend to move a little and sit most of the time could experience high cholesterol levels. Cases like this are fatalistic, and if exercise and lifestyle changes don’t work, doctors would recommend medications. High cholesterol medications could be costly, but you have to take them at the right time to help relieve the symptoms you experience and lessen your healthcare costs in the long run. So, check for various medicinal discounts, too, like coupons and promos that you can enjoy to cut your healthcare costs.

Recognize That Relapse Is Part Of The Journey

The concept of relapse refers to the scenario where a person tries to stop bad habits, have positive progress, then falls back into their vices. This is common among people dealing with addiction, and sometimes individuals going through this would feel pleasure when tempted to do their addiction again. Still, guilt comes right after when they realize their wrongdoings.

If you’re currently in a relapse phase, know that it’s normal for every person going through recovery. Don’t be disheartened and give up immediately. Even healing from smoking addiction or drinking too much alcohol is not something you can easily do overnight. But remember that whenever you encounter a relapse in breaking any bad habit, find a way to help you get back on your sobriety.

Although temptations could be everywhere, try to build a strong commitment and will to keep pushing through because you are stronger than what the temptations around you give you.

Prevent Tempting Situations

If you have difficulty steering away from your bad habits, prevent being in a place where temptation could bother you and affect your progress. For example, you always stop by the nearest donut shop on your way home and try going on a different route so that you can cut down on your consumption of sweets.

Also, make some small adjustments at home. For example, if you want to start eating healthily, stock more on nutritious foods, like vegetables. You could also add some yogurt and a few fruits as a source of fiber. Although it may be challenging, try to do it gradually until you realize that your diet has changed and your home is a temptation-free place you could stay in.

Reward Yourself And Find Alternatives

You don’t always have to be hard on yourself to stop bad habits. Have a day where you could reward yourself for increasing your motivation but don’t reward yourself with the same bad habits you tried to stop. For example, get a pamper day or find other alternatives you might enjoy, like instead of smoking, taking a walk outside, and breathing fresh air.

Do some wellness practices like yoga or sign up for a gym membership. Find a community that could help improve your lifestyle and has the same goals as you do. This way, you wouldn’t feel alone in your journey, and you will have someone to help you get better constantly.

Get Professional Help

If you think journeying into wellness is hard, healthcare professionals are always available to provide you with the support and advice you need. There’s no shame in asking for professional help because not every person can handle their problems alone, and that’s okay.

To create a positive change in your life, you must leave all your unwanted habits to the past. Dealing with problems on your own and leaving all your negative pleasurable habits can be tough.

But, these challenges may be easier to handle if you have someone to listen to you, understand you, and face them with you. You could also be encouraged to do better, help identify your triggers, and commit to your change plans.

Final Thoughts

Not all pleasurable things are good for one’s body. Thus, breaking bad habits is necessary for a more harmonious life. Also, steering away from harmful practices could help a person have a longer lifespan. If you have plans to stop your bad habits, remember to be kind to yourself and don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help.


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