What are the Ideal Male Body Measurements?


Unless you are training for strength, you probably have at least some interest in developing your body in a way that will be aesthetically appealing.

Different people place varying amounts of importance on different areas of the body. For some, the size of their legs doesn’t matter, for others the most important thing is the V-taper down their back and torso.

However, the perfect body, whether male or female, is determined by the level of symmetry in the structure. The more balanced and symmetrical the body is and the more proportionate each part is, the better it will look as a whole. To understand this in more detail let’s look at the different parts of the body and how big or small they should be to get the ideal look.


A 30-inch waist would look tiny on someone who is 6ft 8in tall but would look quite big on someone who is 5ft tall. Before you bring out the measuring tape, you should understand that the size of each body part depends on your height. In most cases, the ideal size for any given body part is expressed as a percentage of your height.

Therefore there is no defined measurement that will look great on everyone, but there are defined ratios that everyone can try and achieve according to their height. Before getting started, measure your height and note it down. The average height of a male is 5ft 10in. This will be the base measurement for the rest of the guide.


The neck is a bit of a tricky part because it depends on the size of the head and the width of the shoulders. The average neck size is between 14 -16 inches. This can be great for people who also have a slender face and medium-width shoulders. If you have a broader face and wider shoulders you might want to increase your neck size to 16-18 inches. As a general rule, in terms of ratios, your neck should be as thick as the circumference of your upper arm, and bicep area.


There is a ratio for your shoulders. Shoulders should be 1.618xWaist measurement. If you have a 32-inch waist you should have a shoulder circumference of 51.7 inches. Some people naturally have a small waist and broad shoulders and some have a big waist and narrow shoulders. Your shoulder measurement is not always an indicator of how much muscle mass you have on your shoulders.

However, when measuring body parts for aesthetics, the focus is on overall size in inches regardless of muscle mass. However, fat will not make any part of your body look good. Even if you are meeting the shoulder size requirement but it doesn’t look good in the mirror, it might be time to start losing some weight and building some muscle.


Arm size is something that is very important to a lot of men. Just like the shoulders, some men have naturally thicker arms while others have extremely thin arms. As a general rule, the circumference of your arms should be more or equal to the circumference of your neck.

This is when you measure your arm by your side, in a relaxed position, not at the peak of the bicep when flexed. If you are struggling with arms size, focus on the triceps rather than the bicep in your workouts. The triceps make up 70% of the arm. Working on the bicep alone will only get you so far in terms of overall size.


A broad, flat chest is the centerpiece of a strong physique. Ideally, the chests should be 1-12 inches bigger than the waist. However, modern bodybuilders push this to about 20-24 inches greater than the waist. Since the chest is largely impacted by the width of the shoulders and the lats, how big you want it to be depends on how it looks in your particular situation. The average male chest size is between 38 and 44 inches. If you have a 32-inch waist you should be aiming for at least a 42-inch chest. As a general rule of thumb try to keep it at least 10 inches larger than your waist.


The back is generally measured in width rather than circumference. How wide you develop your back, and how thick you make it, depends on personal preference. In terms of making it visually appealing, you should try to keep it as wide as your shoulders. So that your lats are as wide as your shoulders when your back is completely flexed. An important part of the back that most people don’t pay attention to is the traps. These play a huge role in how your shoulders look from the front and how the back looks from the rearview.


A lot of the measurements depend on the size of the waist which makes it critical to have the right size waist. Ideally, the waist should be 43%-47% of your height. For someone who is 5ft, 10in (70 inches) tall a perfect waist would be around 45% of that height which works out to about 32 inches. Getting this measurement right is very important because it plays a role in all the other measurements. The waist is also a great way to gauge the amount of fat on your body.


How big your quads are depends on your personal preference. Those who like the classic physique style prefer the quads to be narrow. People who love modern bodybuilding and the latest trends by Big Ramy and Phil Heath, prefer that X shape which requires thick quads. A good starting point is to have quads that are 60% of your waist. If you have a 32-inch waist then a 20-inch quad is appropriate. If you want a bulkier look go for something closer to 70%-75% of your waist measurement.

If you want the best body measurements then have someone assist you in the measuring process. Trying to measure things like your back width or your shoulder girth on your own can be quite challenging. If you’re looking to transform your body then also get your fat percentage measured using proper calipers. This will help you achieve an ideal weight with the right amount of fat and then you can start to develop the muscle in the necessary locations to get the right measurements.


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