Are You Planning to Move? Here Are Some Useful Tips


Is it time for you to uproot yourself and have a new beginning in a new location? Then it’s time to figure out what the best move would be to make your moving process organised and stress-free.

Whether it’s across town or the other side of the world, if you have the right tools, you’ll be in good hands. So steer free of stress, and follow these tips before starting your new journey.


The first thing you’ll want to do before you start packing is to get rid of the things you don’t need. Not only will it make your life easier, but it’ll save you lots of time. And this way, you’ll be able to decide on the things you want to sell or donate, like old furniture. Decluttering is the key to ensuring that when you move into your new place, you have only what you need and more space to make room for new items. The best way to do this is to take everything out and start organizing by splitting everything into categories. This way, not only will decluttering become easier but giving things away and deciding what to keep or not becomes that much easier.

Stock up on Supplies

You’ll want to make sure that you have everything you need before packing. The last thing you want is to have to run to the store to get more moving supplies because you ran out. Before you pack, load up on the essentials like box cutters, packing tape, and trash bags. The best way to make sure that you don’t forget anything is to make a checklist of all the items you’re going to need to pack efficiently. You can actually do a bit of research and find ready-made lists online to make this task a lot easier for you. Make sure that you get quality supplies so that they do the job properly. The last thing you want is for any of your efforts in packing to fall apart.

Set a Schedule

Ensure you create a well-thought-out schedule and stick to it. It could be short or long. If you’re scheduled to move in the summer, then pack all of your winter clothes first. By separating your seasonal items, you’ll have less to pack overall in the end. So take it slow. Pack one room a day or find the time to take an hour off daily to pack. That way, you’ll avoid the misery of having to pack everything the night before. Additionally, if you plan on working with a professional moving company, make sure you reach out to them well ahead of time.

Use the Right Box Size

The rule of thumb is to use bigger boxes for lighter items and smaller boxes for bigger items. Larger pieces include pillows and bedsheets while bigger ones include books and office supplies. The same goes for stacking. You’ll want to place heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on the top. Just make sure not to overpack. The heaviest box should not exceed 50 pounds. By doing this, you ensure that there’s no risk of anything falling out and breaking or getting lost during the moving process.

Invest in a Car Hire Service

Ok, so you’ve done packing, but are you going to have enough space to fit all of your boxes? It would be useful to rent a big enough car to fit your stuff. Maybe even a truck if it’s possible. And because collecting a rental car can be a hassle, Peter Mann from SC Vehicle Hire stresses the importance of offering customers delivery services to their door. All you’ll have to do is use some muscle strength to get the boxes in and you’re good to go.

Use LOTS of Packing Paper

Packing paper will be your best friend when you’re putting your stuff together. You can’t go wrong with too much. You need to make sure that you’re filling the space between each item to provide cushioning. This will also help balance your boxes so that there aren’t gaps where there could be stuff. You can also use other buffers like kitchen towels and paper rolls. Just make sure you’re layering more paper between each item. This way, fragile items are less likely to break.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when changes need to be made. Whether it’s because you’ve got a new job or simply would like to start a new chapter, sometimes making a move is the only option toward moving forward. Moving doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, the idea of starting anew can be rather wonderful. Instead of struggling to get your stuff sorted into place, you can follow these helpful tips to ease the process of moving.


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