How to Help Your Kids to Keep Learning During the School Holidays


School holidays are the chance for your kids to relax, rest, and bond with you. However, there is no reason why they should continue learning. Your kids don’t need to stop learning just because their school gates are closed.

Here are a few ways to ensure that your kids continue learning over the holidays.

1.   Provide Opportunities to Learn Online

Your kids will appreciate opportunities to learn on the internet. Connect with a teacher and ask about the best online learning resources to use over the school holidays. Maintaining open communication lines with the teacher makes it easy to maintain control over what your child sees every day.

When planning out schedules, set aside some time for your child to access their regular lessons online.

2.   Story Time

Time off from regular schoolwork doesn’t mean your child cannot enjoy their favorite stories. School holidays are a great chance to introduce your child to new stories or re-read their favorite ones.

Younger learners will enjoy themed books, comprehension questions, and short stories. While stories are great for learning, you should have fun with them.

3.   Have Some Fun In the Kitchen

The kitchen can be a valuable learning tool for your children over the school holiday. They will have a lot of fun measuring ingredients, reading their favorite recipes, and taking temperatures.

As a bonus, they get the opportunity to take part in creating delicious treats for the rest of the family. The kitchen is a fantastic place for your kids to test their math and reading skills.

4.   Buy Classroom Supplies to Use at Home

What could be better than bringing your kids’ classroom to your home? Buy a few supplies and let your kids have fun learning at home. These may include musical instruments, art materials, and notebooks. Check out Springboard Supplies to promote both indoor and outdoor learning over the holidays.

5.   Visit Museums

Museums are fun and great learning avenues for both kids and adults. Children enjoy learning in interactive, three-dimensional environments. Museums give you the chance to expose your kids to environments that they wouldn’t experience anywhere else.

Hands-on play and exhibits trigger curiosity and promote creativity. They set the foundation for critical thinking and make learning fun.

Kids who visit museums often experience the following benefits:

  • They develop a taste for cultural institutions and art museums even through adulthood
  • They have better critical-thinking skills
  • They have higher social tolerance.

When you take your children to the museum &  art gallery, encourage them to ask questions and play around. Support inquisition and offer answers where necessary.

6.   Get Out Often

Do not spend all your school holiday days indoors. Getting out and about makes it easier for your children to learn. Watching TV or playing video games all day may be fun for them, but it makes it difficult to learn.

The school holidays give you the chance to do things you would otherwise have no time for. These may include donating to charities, taking a trip to the local mall, and visiting the local animal shelter.

The community blog or local paper should help you determine the most interesting and educational activities for your children over the holidays.

No matter how fun the holidays may get for your kids, you don’t want them to stop learning. There are many ways to ensure that they don’t forget about their books when schools close.

Simple tips include getting out often, visiting your local museums, and offering opportunities to learn online. Get classroom supplies to use at home, and don’t be afraid to use the kitchen as a learning center.


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