Bronze awards for six Lymm Brownies


SIX members of the 6th Lymm Brownies have been awarded their Brownie Bronze Award.

They are the first Brownies in the unit to receive this award and their leaders are so proud of their achievements – especially during the pandemic.
Leaders were very keen that the Brownies continued to meet and the 6th Lymm Brownies took to virtual delivery last March to keep in touch and engage in Guiding activities.

Activity packs were distributed to each girl and activities adapted to a virtual programme. In the autumn, they returned to outdoor face to face meetings and went on a scavenger hunt and had a storytelling campfire until restrictions changed once again and they returned online. Since the end of March they have again been meeting face to face outside.
A spokesperson for 5th Lymm Brownies said: “We have been doing so much this past year but there are some highlights.
“In May last year we were joined by a volunteer from Lymm Heritage Centre to learn more about wartime in Lymm. The girls created their own poppy designs and completed other activities to commemorate and earn their VE75 badge. The Brownies took an interest in the Grow Your Own badge and last year some grew sunflowers from seedlings supplied by E Smith and Sons, grew plants from vegetable scraps and designed their own gardens. In the last couple of weeks, the Brownies have been showing off their green fingers once again and have planted some flower and vegetable seeds, which they are now growing at home.
“The Brownies who have earned their Bronze award are still working on other themes and may complete their Silver award before the summer when they move up to Guides. The rest of the unit are hard at work aiming for their Bronze award.”
The six award winners are Neve, Mathilda, Naomi, Evie, Lucia and Isla-Rose.
The 6th Lymm Brownies will have some spaces available after the summer so anyone with a daughter interested in joining can register interest at Brownies starts from age seven(and Rainbows start from age five) but it is not necessary to wait until they turn seven to register them.
Girlguiding is looking for new volunteers to help support units and so anyone interested in becoming a volunteer or a leader should contact Lymm District by emailing [email protected]



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