How To Future Proof Your Bathroom


Interior design is something which a lot of people are interested in, but have you ever thought about future proofing your bathroom?

As you get older, your ability to do basic tasks such as going to the toilet or using the shower starts to decline. A good solution for this is future proofing your bathroom which makes sure that you can stay in your home for longer while not compromising on style. In this article, we are going to explain how you can future proof your bathroom. Keep reading to find out more.

The Taps

The first thing that we are going to discuss is the taps that you have in your bathroom. You might find that as you get older, your ability to turn these fully can start to suffer. This is why you should think about getting some taps that are either sensor controlled or have only one nozzle. A lot of the new taps that are out right now are made for saving water, so you should take a look at these.

Your Bath

Do you have a bath in your current bathroom? If you are into interior design, then you might find that you have a very fancy bath which looks great now but won’t be accessible for you in the future. If you want to make sure that your bathroom has been future proofed, you should consider installing a walk-in bath. These look great in bathrooms and do not take away from the design at all. If you are wondering how to choose the best bathroom solution for you then you should make sure to do a bit more research for this online.

Your Tiling

As you get older, you might not be able to get down on the floor and clean out your tiling as easily as you can now. This is why if you want to future proof your home, you should think about getting the grout in between your tiles sealed. This will make them a lot easier to clean in the future and you won’t need to worry.

Underfloor Heating

Another great way of future proofing your bathroom is to add underfloor heating. With underfloor heating, you will be able to reduce the amount of water that is left on the floor, therefore, reducing the risk of you slipping. You can also take advantage of the fact that you have freed up your walls by removing radiators and so you have more room to add a grip rail to help you get up when you are a little older.

Get A Shower Bench

If you have a shower rather than a bath in your current bathroom, you might find that getting a shower bench is a great way of future proofing. This sort of bench will give you something to sit on when you cannot stand in the shower for long periods of time. Shower benches can be easily incorporated into the design of your shower and you won’t have to worry about it ruining your aesthetic.

Final Thoughts

If you want to make sure that you are ready for the time when you cannot access things as easily you should try to future proof your home right now. Consider things like installing a walk-in bath or swapping your radiators out for some underfloor heating. You will love being ready for this as there might come a time where you cannot make these changes as you are not quite able. Try to future proof and don’t compromise on the design of your bathroom.


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