A poll of warrington-worldwide readers which has backed Warrington Wolves’ decision to ban the use of e-cigarettes in the Halliwell Jones Stadium has been welcomed by Chief Executive Roger Draper.
The ban follows a decision to part company with club sponsors TruVape after 18 months.
A poll on warrington-worldwide’s twitter feed showed 90 per cent supporting the club’s decision to impose a total ban on vaping inside the stadium.
As part of the sponsorship deal the Wolves had allowed the use of e-cigarettes in a designated area as well as selling branded products in the club shop.
Welcoming the results of the poll Draper said: “This was always going to be a difficult decision but we believe it was the right one for our fans and the club.
“We hope the small number of fans who want to vape wont be affected too badly and hope we can keep them distracted by playing some great rugby on the pitch.
The Truvape partnership sparked a storm of protest when it was announced in January last year, with the Wolves’ decision to lift a ban on using e-cigarettes in the Halliwell Jones Stadium, AFTER signing the lucrative sponsorship deal, which sparked a storm of protest amongst fans.
The total ban will come into force on May 1.