THEY arrived in the world within two minutes of each other and at one time they were in three different hospitals.
Lymm triplets Billy, Fletcher and Teddy all spent their first Christmas in hospital.
But they’re all under one roof now – and don’t Mum and Dad Stacey and Ian Brown know it!
Former Lymm High School girl Stacey, 31, said: “They’ve all settled down and I couldn’t say they were difficult babies. But we do have a few sleepless nights!”
Stacey knew in advance, of course, that she was carrying triplets. But they arrived on 28 weeks – and in rapid succession.
Billy arrived first, weighing in at 2 lb seven ounces. One minute later Fletcher arrived, at 2lb 14 ounces. And one minute after that Teddy made his entry, weighing just 1lb 14 ounces. All were born at St Mary’s Hospital, in Manchester.
Stacey said: “Teddy is something of a miracle really because he had caused some concern.
“He had stopped growing at 24 weeks and that was why he was so small. It was 111 days before he was allowed out of hospital.”
Billy was allowed out after 93 days and Fletcher – so named because Stacey’s maiden name was Fletcher – arrived home after 78 days.
They were in different hospitals at one time because there weren’t enough cots in any one place to take them all!
The lively threesome are all doing well now,Billy weighing 10lb 14 ounces, Fletcher 10lb 11 ounces and Teddy 7lb 8 ounces. They have caused great excitement for proud grandparents Debbie and Gary Fletcher and great grandma, former Lymm hairdresser Marlene Lummis.
As for Dad Ian, head of PE at a Wigan school, he can’t wait to get his three sons down to Lymm Rugby Club because he used to play at Exeter.
They’ll get a good welcome from Stacey’s brother Adam who coaches at Lymm – and should by that time have got over the shock of becoming an uncle three times in two minutes.
Three bundles of joy in two minutes