A PLAN to demolish a bungalow on a Green Belt site in Kenyon Lane, Kenyon and replace it with a three storey detached house has been thrown out by a planning inspector following an appeal against the original refusal of planning consent by the borough council in April last year.
Susan Ashworth, the inspector who dealt with the appeal says there is a dispute between the appellant and the council over the precise measurements of the proposed house compared with the existing bungalow.
But even taking the appellant’s best case, the proposed house would be 95 per cent larger than the existing. In addition there would be an increase in height of around 60 per cent.
This significant increase in scale would be visually apparent in that the form, bulk and massing of the building would be considerable greater than that of the existing building. Although the proposed house would provide enhanced and more energy efficient family accommodation for the appellants, this was not a special reason overriding the fact that the house would be an inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
Three-storey house appeal dismissed