RAIDERS broke into a house in Wigshaw Lane, Culcheth through a rear patio window.
Keys were stolen and a white Mercedes AMG was taken from the drive in the daylight raid.
Burglars who broke into a flat in Poplars Avenue, Orford, Warrington caused criminal damage to items in the property.
An unsuccessful attempt was made to break into a house in Wellfield Street, Warrington.
The offenders tried to kick in a kitchen door panel.
A wallet was stolen from a Ford Fiesta parked in Poplars Avenue, Orford after a window was smashed.
Thieves stole the registration plate from a VW Polo parked in Hume Street, Warrington.
A sat nav, computer games and an Apple ipad and iphone were stelen from a car left in Barnes Avenue, Warrington, overnight.
Burglars get away with car in daylight raid