BENTS Garden & Home’s search for the very best in nature photography is back on.
The popular and highly sought after competition is perfect for anyone with a passion for photography and an eye for the perfect picture.
Once again, Bents is looking for images of nature which capture the beauty of our surroundings, from gardens and flowers to landscapes and wildlife. The winning entry, as voted for by customers, will receive £50 worth of Bents vouchers and a framed copy of their image.
Matthew Bent, Managing Director at Bents Garden & Home, said: “We always have an incredible response to this competition with some fantastic entries making shortlisting a very tricky task.
“Once again we’re looking for as many photographs as possible covering anything from wide, panoramic landscapes to close up shots showing the intricate beauty of plants and flowers or animal shots which we always love looking at.”
The closing date for the competition is Monday 29th February and 20 short-listed entries will be displayed in the Centre and on Facebook throughout March where customers will be able to vote for their favourite image with the winning entry announced in early April.
Entry forms are available from customer services or entries can be made online at