Young gymnasts gain competition experience


A TOTAL of 350 gymnasts competed in the annual LiveWire Gymnastics Competition at Great Sankey Leisure Centre.

The event, organised by Danielle Upton, gave young gymnasts who do between one and two hours per week, the opportunity to have the experience of entering a competition.

All of the young gymnasts receive a commemorative medal for their performance with the best being awarded a gold, wilder or bronze.

Deputy Mayor, Cllr Geoff Settle said: “I was very impressed by the standard and the skills displayed by all gymnasts. They were a tribute to their coaches and enthusiastic parents and they all had a fantastic time. I remember the Dad’s and Mum’s taxi runs the Deputy Mayoress and I used to make when our daughter was their age.”

Gymnasts from Penketh, Great Sankey, Orford Park, Broomfield, Culcheth (GR8 Gymnastics) and Padgate (Gymstarz) all took part, while Danielle’s sister Rachel brought her young team from Knowsley to gain experience.

The Deputy Mayoress, Jean Settle added: “It was great to see the young gymnasts performing it took me back to when Katie was a member of Padgate Gymnastic Club. She now coaches at Gt Sankey and was one of the judges today giving encouragement and advice to the next generation of Warrington gymnasts.

“I would also like to thank to the Live Wire team, especially organiser and coach Danielle Upton supported by her sister Rachel Holden, who hosted the event, coach Georgia Simpson and Charlene Hankey from the Leisure Centre’s management team who worked together as a great team to put on a fantastic competition.”

Pictured (left to right): The Live Wire Team with dignitaries consisting of Katie Settle, Charlene Hankey (Gt Sankey Leisure Centre Management team), Deputy Mayor, Deputy Mayoress, Georgia Simpson and Danielle Upton. Picture by Craig Millington.


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

1 Comment

  1. Would have been nice to have actually see some photo’s of all the kids having a great time doing their gymnastics and collecting their medals rather than one of the Deputy Mayor etc.

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