A Lymm building site remains a “blot on the landscape” despite attempts to get the former factory site cleared since October last year.
Neighbours of the former Elastomer site on Carlton Rd, Lymm remain up in arms over the state of the building site. Large quantities of waste – including material marked as asbestos have been dumped on the site, which has been left unsecured and open to anyone to access.
Local resident Nathan Davies said: “There is contamination on-site including plasterboard and what could be Asbestos. We as a group of neighbours are now talking to a Solicitor to take legal action. We now have sofas, fridges and washing machines dumped there along with the old faithful fly-tipping favourite a mattress. The site is no longer locked up and we have seen an increase in activity of different vans coming on and off the Tip since the enforcement notice.”
Cllr Graham Gowland added: “I’ve visited the site on a number of occasions, and it’s an absolute disgrace. Its been reported to a number of different organisations due to the insecure nature of the building site, the unlicensed deposits of waste, and the hazardous substances apparently on the site. The landowner is ultimately responsible for this, and needs to work with the developer to address the problem.”
The site has been left derelict since outline planning permission was granted last year but with the requirement for a satisfactory traffic plan to ensure safe access from the development onto Rushgreen Road.
Warrington Borough Council started investigations last October but no action has been taken to resolve the problem.
Investigations ongoing to address fly-tipping issues at site earmarked for housing
1 Comment
WBC Dont care anymore there getting the council tax off the buildings owners