Labour members leave room as Tories attempt to get council to condemn bin strike


LABOUR members affiliated to the UNITE Union left the room as opposition Tories attempted to get Warrington Borough Council to condemn the ongoing bin strike.

Rather than agreeing to a motion condemning the bin strike, the controlling Labour group pushed through a “watered-down” version, regretting the strike action.

Tory spokesperson Cllr. Kath Buckley said: “The Conservative group condemn the action by the Unite union. This strike action is affecting all residents of Warrington, but disproportionately impacting the most vulnerable. We regard the strike action as a wholly disproportionate way of applying pressure in a local dispute of terms and conditions. We call upon Unite to end its strike action and negotiate with the Council.”

Cllr Buckley added: “To this end last night at Warrington Full Council the Conservative Party put forward a motion that said:
“This Council resolves to:
1.Condemn the continuation of strike action by Unite after the national collective agreement on pay on 1st November 2023
2.Encourages UNITE to return to work immediately for the benefit of all our residents, public health and the environment
3.Encourages constructive joint collective local trade union discussions on any issues associated with local working arrangements

“The Labour group tabled an amendment which watered this motion down by replacing the word Condemn with Regret. The Conservative motion was voted against by Labour and others and the watered-down version was passed.
“However, in this process, more than 10 Labour Councillors had to leave the room as they were/are a member of or affiliated to UNITE. We are also calling on the Labour-run Council to ignore their trade union connections and be far more robust in the handling of this dispute, whilst at the same time increasing support for residents as they grapple with the daily consequences of the industrial action.
“We also raised the issue that the extra refuse collection sites are not open long enough to serve the whole of the community and yet again Warrington South is poorly served as there are no extra sites in the outlying areas.”

Angry members of the public dump rubbish on ground in park


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. What is this “more robust” approach that Cllr Buckley wants? The council lost its legal case as even the Tory anti-union laws say it’s a lawful dispute. It’s the Tory government that’s left workers being offered lower than inflation pay rises, and councils struggling financially.

    Why are the junior doctors still on strike? (Tory paymasters)

    And train drivers? (Tory paymasters)

  2. It’s amazing how many choose to forget that it was Gordon Brown’s Labour government that took so much delight in leaving a note at the treasury saying there was no money left.

    • Jim, the Tories have been in power for at least 14 years. How far back do you want to go to apportion blame for our present financial mess? Admittedly Covid has played a part in our situation, as it has with every other nation. But surely Osborne’s ill advised Austerity Measures have also influenced the situation? I hold no brief for the Tories as a national government any more than I do our local Labour Party for the mess they have created. Warrington is beset by both sets of politicians for the collective chaos they have put us in.

  3. And it’s amazing how people like yourself fail to realise that the Tory government have done nothing for the average household over the last 13 years.

    Yet, no doubt, you’ll vote for them again at the next general election…

  4. The Labour councillors who left the meeting should hang their heads in shame.
    They think more of the union than their residents who voted them into office.
    Your constituents come first remember that !
    I sincerely hope all the residents think twice about voting for these charletons again

  5. Gary appears to be rather kind to them with “more than 10 Labour Councillors”. The register of Members Interests shows 19 Labour Councillors declare membership of Unite as an interest.

    Perhaps that is why Unite picked on Warrington thinking that with their supporters as a majority of the controlling party it would make policy and responses favourable to them.

    It will be interesting to see the minutes of the meeting to ensure that no one with an interest declared failed to withdraw.

      • No intention here to suggest intended kindness, I was just clumsily pointing out what was perhaps an underestimate. My arithmetic may be wrong but if those with an interest did not vote Labour did not have a majority without some opposition help. I hope there was a recorded vote.

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