Telephone and acoustic booths designed for offices. How does their use look in practice?


In today’s hybrid offices with open-plan spaces and shared workstations, solutions that help to ensure calm and better concentration while performing specific types of tasks are gaining in importance.

Many employers have opted to introduce phone boxes and acoustic booths to improve comfort and encourage employees to return to the office. Find out how they are used in practice and what benefits they bring to employees and the organisation. In this article, we take a closer look at these innovative products.

Modern acoustic booths and telephone booths – a solution for every size of business

Hushoffice‘s state-of-the-art acoustic booths and telephone booths are the perfect solution for companies of all sizes looking to provide their employees with comfort and better communication. Whether you run a small business or manage a large corporation, these innovative office cubicles will provide the peace and quiet needed to focus on tasks or make important phone calls. They are available in several sizes, making them a versatile and aesthetically pleasing solution for any space. The hushHybrid acoustic cabin is less than a metre deep, so it will even fit into an office where every metre matters.

Telephone booths – convenient for frequent sales calls

Privacy when speaking is essentially non-existent in shared spaces, so an employee, when answering the phone in an open office, may feel that their conversation is being overheard. The hushPhone phone booth is designed to provide comfort for frequent phone calls. It is comfortable and straightforward to use – as soon as you enter it, the lighting and ventilation are activated. Sound insulation creates the ideal conditions for confidential business discussions with maximum concentration. The employee does not have to worry about being distracted by something, missing what the speaker says or being disturbed by noises coming from the desk next to them.

The hushPhone booth provides excellent conditions even for difficult negotiations. Inside, there is an ergonomic armrest and a folding table where a laptop can be placed to keep an eye on important information during conversations. The telephone booth facilitates communication with customers, but also contributes to better commercial results, by enabling calm and prolonged negotiations in a comfortable environment.

Acoustic cabins for individual and team work

In hybrid offices, it is rare to have meetings attended by more than four people, which means that large meeting rooms are no longer needed or are used inefficiently. Therefore multifunctional acoustic booths, which can be used for video conferencing or smaller meetings, are gaining in popularity. Office cubicles are the perfect solution for both individual focused and collaborative work. Thanks to their insulating properties, these state-of-the-art structures effectively dampen external noise (40 decibels of sound penetrates the interior), allowing employees to concentrate on tasks and discussions without interruption. Acoustic booths are available in a variety of sizes to suit the needs of both individuals and entire teams.

Privacy, but not total isolation

Acoustic cubicles are the ideal solution for those looking for both privacy and the ability to stay connected to the office environment at the same time. Although they offer high acoustic insulation efficiency, allowing you to carry on conversations and focus on your work without disruption, they do not cause total separation from the rest of the team. Thanks to the use of glass walls or doors, the booths are surprisingly spacious. Employees can see each other and the person inside does not feel claustrophobic.

Hygienic working environment – the acoustic cabins are not stuffy

The acoustic cabins have an efficient ventilation system (100 m³/h to 140 m³/h), enabled via activation of a motion sensor and regulated manually. It allows a constant flow of air to be maintained, preventing the build-up of heat and moisture. The booths provide a comfortable working environment, whether a person works alone or together with colleagues.

Ergonomic equipment – a space for every job

The acoustic booths in the Hushoffice range offer a variety of fittings that are carefully selected to meet the needs of the users and enable them to work in optimal conditions. Depending on their purpose, the office cubicles are equipped with sofas, conference tables or adjustable desks to help maintain correct posture and minimise the risk of health problems. Upon entering the booth, the employee gains an independent and powered space that provides the ideal environment for video conferencing or a smaller group meeting.


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