7 Things You Need To Know If Purchasing Internal Or External Home Shading


The decision to purchase external or internal home shading is not an easy one. There are many factors that will influence this decision, and it’s important you know what they are before making a choice. 

This blog post will go over the 7 Things You Need To Know If Purchasing Internal Or External Home Shading so you can make an educated purchasing decision!

Determine The Type Of Shading You Need

The first step to determining the type of shading you need is knowing if your home needs external or internal shading. If your house is shaded by a large tree, for example, you may want to just install an external shading device to protect your home from the sun and not have to worry about shading windows.

But if you need help blocking out light inside, then an internal shade is a good option.

External Shading

External shading can be achieved with a roof, overhang, window treatments, and landscaping.

Examples of external shading include: A south-facing home might benefit from the installation of an overhanging porch to provide shade in the summer months for outdoor living spaces such as a pool deck or patio. Or trees strategically around buildings to shade them when you need it most.

Internal Shading

Internal shading is a popular option for homeowners who want to maintain their privacy or live in an area where it’s not possible to install exterior shades. There are many types of internal shading, from curtains and blinds installation that can be pulled up when the sun gets too hot, to retractable window screens that allow airflow while blocking sunlight. Internal shading can be less expensive and easier to install than external shading.

Know How Much Light You Want

It’s important to know how much light you want coming into your room before deciding which type of shade to install.

If it is too dark in a space, then external shades might not be able to provide enough natural sunlight because they are only open during certain hours or when manually opened by an individual.

On the other hand, if there is too much sun entering a space and people cannot sleep due to glare from sunshine reflecting off a computer screen, for example, then internal blinds that pull down can help reduce this issue. It all depends on what one needs most at any given time!

Consider How Frequently You’ll Be Installing

You also have to consider whether you’ll be installing these shades on a regular basis or just during certain times of the year.

If you’re going to be installing them on a regular basis, then it’s best if the installation is easy and doesn’t need any tools for removal or adjustment. For example, some external shades can easily retract into the ceiling when they aren’t needed so that there isn’t anything in your way when entering or leaving through a window.

If you won’t be using these shades often but want something easy to install without messing with screws, nails, etc., an internal shade may work better for you because all of their installation hardware are hidden away from sight inside the wall where they reside as soon as installed – no more ugly screw heads marring up walls!

Know Your Preference

When it comes down to it – there isn’t one right answer for everyone because every person has different preferences when it comes to their home. What do you like?

If the answer is privacy then look for internal shades that can be lowered at any time with remote controls from anywhere in the house. If keeping sunlight out of certain rooms year-round is more important than anything else, think about how much window surface area will need external shading solutions applied to it.


Consider cost when purchasing either option; like the products as well as installation costs when looking at different types of home shading solutions. Buying something that will not work with your current situation is just going to end up costing more in the long run because it won’t last or fit properly.

Understanding how you want your room to be shaded is the first step in deciding which type of window covering would work best for you. There are many different types of shading that we offer, and each one offers a unique set of benefits and drawbacks. While there’s no perfect answer to what will work best for every situation, it’s important to know all the options so you can pick out something that suits your needs perfectly!


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