5 Hair-Care Tips for Mature Women


Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse aging—aging hair is a fact of life. You may notice your mane isn’t quite as voluminous or dense as it once was. It may take some extra TLC, but learning a hair-care routine that meets your mane’s changing needs will pay off.

Read on for the best five hair-care tips to keep your tresses healthy for the many years to come.

Why Does Hair Change with Age?

Changes in your hair’s thickness, texture and appearance are a natural part of the aging process. Earlier in life, hairs that fall out are replaced by new ones. However, as women get closer to menopause in their 40s and 50s, the sex hormones that stimulate follicle growth diminish. Eventually, some follicles stop producing new hair and those that still do may produce strands that are finer, which results in hair thinning and hair loss. It’s all about finding the right anti-aging routine that works for you hair. Incorporate the following 5 tips into your routine to achieve your hair goals.

  1. Find the Right Hair Washing Schedule

There’s nothing better than having a squeaky-clean mane. But in the long run, washing your hair every day won’t do aging hair any favors. Washing too frequently can strip hair of essential oils causing strands to become dry and brittle, so it’s best to shampoo every few days. Generally speaking, the thicker your hair is, the less often you need to wash it. Train your hair by washing every other day at first and keep stretching it out with more days in between.

  1. Invest in a Deep Conditioner

Deep conditioning is a miracle worker when it comes to providing intense, long-term moisture for your tresses. A deep conditioning masque, like the one from Better Not Younger, improves the manageability and softness of your hair, while making it less prone to breakage and frizz. To maximize the benefits of a deep conditioner, choose a formula that is packed with natural butters and essential oils. It is best to deep condition your hair at least once or twice every month.

  1. Prioritize Scalp Care

Good scalp care is the key to healthy aging locks. A scalp treatment, like a scalp massage or exfoliator, will benefit strands directly at the root. Massaging and exfoliating the scalp unclogs the pores, helps balance your natural oil product and stimulates hair growth.

  1. Your Diet Matters

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-balanced diet in fortifying healthy tresses. Many times, a vitamin deficiency will show itself through brittle, lackluster locks. A diet rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E and fatty acids will promote strong, shiny strands you can find these vitamins in SugarBear girl hair gummies.

  1. Be Gentle!

Aging hair is delicate and more prone to breakage. Hair is exceedingly vulnerable to damage when it’s wet, so avoid abrasive towel-drying and aggressive brushing techniques. Also, skip the tight hairstyles and choose fabric-wrapped accessories to prevent damaging your hair.


When you make a healthy lifestyle and good hair-care routine a priority, you might be surprised to see significant changes in your hair’s appearance. Follow these five tips to maintain a healthy looking-mane in your middle age.


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