The defining steps to manage company electrics


Whether you’re just starting your business, moving to a new office or compound or just wish to restyle and reinvent the workplace. Electricity is an aspect you cannot miss out on as all companies can’t work without it nowadays.

To finish this to perfection you’re going to have to focus on several points: Setting up your electricity: What supplier do you choose? Your electronics: What equipment do you need that requires electricity? Lastly, you need to get both connected or bundled together with connectors and cable ties.

The setup

First things first, you need to have the electricity supplies to your building, you might already be familiar with this process with your home. A company account isn’t that different, the biggest difference is the size of the contract and a few extra information and, depending on your country, a backup bank account in case of a failure of the payment. The search for the best deal stays the same. You can find a supplier in two ways: directly at the supplier or through comparison websites.

Comparing websites

Comparing websites set different suppliers’ prices against each other to show the differences and extra bonuses you’ll get with each of them. These websites often offer low prices as their competitive market is lower than that of a supplier, therefore, they can offer lower prices as they don’t have as much need for higher margins than suppliers. The downside is that these are fixed contract. As they’re offered, that’s the way you’ll get it.


Suppliers are easier to negotiate with, often they already call you, though when starting off, you’ll need to contact them or their website. The upside of this method is that you’ll be on the phone talking to an employee who can negotiate better deals, extras, and most importantly different sorts of contracts. 3 year long, 1 year long, these will have a fixed price for the duration. Monthly contracts will change with the changes in the prices of electricity. This can be better if they decrease, but they increase as well if they change in that manner.

The right tools and equipment

What equipment do you need? Laptops, printers, or mechanical equipment to produce your products. All of these need a large dose of electricity over the year, some more than others. It is advised to make an account of the equipment you’ll be using and make an estimate of the amounts of electricity they’ll consume. This could impact the price difference in prices per month. Note that with mechanical equipment not all equipment of the same size use the same amount of energy. This is a common misconception.

The perfect connection

Equipment has to be connected to the power outlets and sources. Large equipment often doesn’t have simple plugs but need power connectors to get the electricity. Though having dozens of cables running across the workplace is not a great look, and dangerous if unattended. Damages, tripping hazards, exposure. It’s the easiest to keep these cable connected using cable ties or cable managers, these group many cables together to keep them from dragging all across the floor. In industrial workplaces, you could even attach these to the roof to keep them from being exposed and in your sight.


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