How Can UK Workers Adapt to an Uncertain Future? 


Uncertainty is something we feel confident plenty of us have experienced throughout the last twelve months or so. But, unfortunately for many of us, obstacles were thrown in our path, which may have taken us off course somewhat.

It has taken a lot of effort for us to reach this point, so let’s take a moment to acknowledge that!

At the same time, there is always room for consolidation and considering what we can do to minimise the chances of anything like this from happening again in the future. With the coming months and years still uncertain to an extent, we want to feel as prepared as possible for what is to come.

When in this position, read on! We feel confident you will find something of value here.

  1. Invest In Your Skills

Naturally, this is something that we feel you would be doing regularly anyway but is all the more critical during uncertain times. Having transferrable skills that are used in a variety of sectors makes you a valuable asset to any business.

Learn new skills or refresh those you currently have; the choice is entirely yours. However, investing in your own development both personally and professionally will go a long way in the future, whether uncertain or not.

With a whole host of free and paid courses online and offline, you will be able to further develop your skills and knowledge in a stress-free way. Knowledge is power, after all!

  1. Change Career

This links closely with the previous point and can be done at any point in your life. While a career change during an uncertain period seems like something that should be avoided, it could provide you with a whole host of new and exciting opportunities.

As a result of the pandemic, there are some industries that are becoming increasingly more popular than others and are receiving more investment in terms of funding and other things. Consider these industries to give yourself the best possible chance at success.

Naturally, you might be tempted to migrate to an industry similar to your own, but nothing stops you from taking a leap of faith and branching out further.

  1. Protecting Your Income

It goes without saying, but this will naturally be a decision that is at the heart of everything you do when in uncertain times. You certainly don’t want the added stress of financial pressure when handling other responsibilities in your life!

As the pandemic has shown us, unprecedented events can happen at the drop of a hat. You can be struck down with an illness or injury, which means you can’t work, leading to a loss of income.

Taking measures to minimise your loss of income through taking out policies like income protection insurance will ensure you are not caught short on a rainy day. Provided by Drewberry Insurance and other providers, you can rest easy in these uncertain times, knowing your finances are protected.

If you have found yourself asking, ‘do I need income protection?’, consider the benefits of protecting your income when faced with adverse situations and how the benefits outweigh not having any sort of protection.

Naturally, uncertainty can only be avoided to a certain degree. Do what you can to look after yourself, and prioritise the development of your skillset. You have got this!



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