Council agree £6m support package as town heads for Tier 3 local lockdown


UPDATED: WARRINGTON Borough Council has today agreed a £6m support package with Government as the town prepares to enter a “Very high” Tier 3 local lockdown which will mean enforced closures for some businesses.

The Tier 3 restrictions are expected to come into force towards the back end of next week, although the fine detail of restrictions is still being worked on.
During negotiations, which were instigated by the council leader Cllr Russ Bowden and Chief Executive Steven Broomhead last week, a number of exemptions have been secured, including leisure centres and gyms, restaurants and pubs with a substantial food offering. Beauty salons and hairdressers will also be exempt.
Those facing closure include pubs and bars with no substantial food offering, nail salons, betting shops and adult gaming centres. Children’s soft play centres will also have to close although an exemption has been secured for the newly opened Gravity trampolining centre at Time Square. The exemptions are all on condition that venues are Covid secure.
Cllr Bowden said: “Our first duty is to protect residents and get on top of the number of COVID cases. This has been balanced to ensure we can support businesses and protect jobs which is why we started the process to enter Tier 3 last week.
“We have today secured a £6m support package from Government and will move into a Tier 3 lockdown towards the end of next week. The majority of the £6m support package will be made available for local businesses and we will be releasing details on how businesses can apply in the coming days.
“Warrington had a good track record of providing Business Support Grants last time and I am confident our team will deliver again.
“Our message to the people affected is that they are our priority to ensure they get the right level of support to protect businesses and jobs.”
Cllr Bowden added: ” This agreement has been the result of positive discussions with government, and whilst we would have ideally liked a little more funding support, ultimately I think we have secured a very good package that will support our businesses and communities as we continue to do all we can to bring case numbers down. This has been a difficult decision but we need to prioritise the health of our most vulnerable and elderly people, and we also need to protect hospital capacity as far as possible.
“We will not stop speaking up for those who are most vulnerable or at risk during the pandemic. In the meantime, you can all play your part to stop the spread of the virus by sticking to the restrictions, and continuing to follow the basics like washing your hands, keeping your distance and wearing a face-covering where necessary. Together, I know we can bring the case numbers down and help get Warrington out of these enhanced restrictions as quickly as possible.”
The Tier 3 lockdown will last for a period of 28 days and then be reviewed.
Around £1.68 million of this funding package will be allocated to supporting the council’s Public Health response – including for public protection, testing and enforcement services – with £4.2 million to be used for business and employment support. This is on top of the new job support scheme measures announced by the Chancellor yesterday, which will provide additional business support in Warrington.
The necessary orders and regulations will now be worked on by government, with a view to the restrictions coming into play from 00.01 on Thursday 29 October – though the exact date is to be confirmed.
Commenting on the Tier 3 confirmation Warrington South Mp Andy Carter said: “Having sat down with the Health Minister yesterday to go through the data, this decision was inevitable as cases have continued to rise across the Town. The weekly case rate is 341 per 100,000 population. More worryingly is the 195 per 100,000 in over 60s, approximately twice the level of the national average. This equates to 717 cases in a seven-day period with test positivity currently at around 12%.
“With infections being widespread in the community the impact on care workers and our local NHS is also being felt, ward staffing levels at the hospital are under pressure because staff have to self-isolate too.
“These further restriction are designed to bring infections back under control, they’ll be reviewed in 28 days and I will push for them to be lifted as soon as infections come down. I’ve previously asked the Prime Minister to set out the criteria for reducing tier levels. It’s not just related to infection rates but also hospital admissions and capability of our local NHS to cope.
“I was pleased to see the Chancellor announce a number of measures yesterday that will support businesses across Warrington that will have to close, particularly in the hospitality sector. This includes cash grants of up to £3,000 per month for those that have to close. There is also support for businesses who are affected but not required to close. Warrington Borough Council is also set to receive £4.2m in Government funding to help to support local businesses with these measures.”
Meanwhile Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols said: “With only around 60% of close contacts currently being traced in Warrington due to the failing test and trace system, double the average rate of infection in the over-60s and Warrington hospital nearing its ICU capacity, it felt like it was a grim inevitability that when Tier 3 restrictions were introduced in Greater Manchester and the Liverpool City Region that Warrington wouldn’t be far behind. Sadly our fears have been confirmed today.
“The Government’s formula for working out the financial support page for areas in Tier 3 is far too rigid, not taking into account any additional local factors. This sharply limited the Council’s room for manoeuvre in their negotiations with the Government and led to the inadequate figure of £5.9 million- with £4.2m for business support and £1.7m for public health and enforcement. This is not remotely enough for Warrington and I will keep pushing the Government to ensure that we get a fair deal and that further support is forthcoming. My priority has always been to protect lives and livelihoods in Warrington and I will continue to work to that aim.
“The new restrictions will last for 28 days and we need the Government to be transparent, giving a clear target for Warrington to work towards for how we move back out of Tier 3. The least the people of Warrington deserve is honesty from Government about how we move forward and a light at the end of the tunnel.
“I have no doubt that we will pull together as a community to support each other through this period, and as difficult as it is going to be we all need to abide by these new regulations if things are going to get better sooner.”
Warrington’s move to a ‘very high’ risk area means that:
·You must not socialise with anybody you don’t live with, unless you have formed a household or childcare support bubble, in any indoor setting or venue – including homes or restaurants
·You must not socialise with anybody you don’t live with, unless you have formed a household or childcare support bubble, in any private garden, or at most outdoor hospitality venues and ticketed events
·You must not socialise in a group of more than six in an outdoor public space, like parks
·Pubs and bars that do not serve substantial meals as a restaurant, like a main lunchtime or evening meal, must close
·You should avoid travelling outside Warrington wherever possible – only essential journeys, such as for work or caring responsibilities, should be made
·You should avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK
For the latest information on COVID-19 in Warrington visit


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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