£2,000 damage caused to station toilets


VANDALS went on the rampage at Warrington Central Station – causing £2,000 damage to the men’s toilets.
British Transport Police are appealing for information about the incident, which is believed to have occurred during a 20-minute period on the evening Friday, October 26.
Officers investigating the criminal damage of the men’s toilets at Warrington Central station
Sinks, mirrors and toilets were smashed.
It is believed the damage happened at some point between 8.15pm and 8.35pm.
Repairs to the toilets cost approximately £2,129.
CCTV evidence is being viewed, however officers are keen to speak with anyone who was at Warrington Central at approximately 8pm last Friday.
Anyone who saw anyone acting suspiciously contact BTP by sending a text to 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 608 of 26/10/2018.
Alternatively a message can be given anonymously on the Crimestoppers hotline, on 0800 555 111.


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