Creating more Job Opportunities through Robotics and Artificial Intelligence


Robotics and artificial intelligence have lately been a topic of discussion among many employees.

AI and robotics can perform various tasks with precision and more efficiently than humans.

These include data manipulation and organization and processing intricate mathematical problems.

This explains why artificial intelligence has been adopted in various industries such as transport, construction, healthcare, education, business intelligence, and manufacturing. According to various figures from the Silicon Valley, artificial intelligence is capable of enhancing already existing jobs as well as creates new ones.

A particular report released by experts, artificial intelligence will in the future create more than two million jobs. They calculated this figure by evaluating the millions of jobs that artificial intelligence has made simpler.

However, robotics and artificial intelligence require concrete training courses in order to ensure that employees can operate them appropriately. This has resulted in a dire need for artificial intelligence training courses in a bid to prepare individuals for the change resulting from robotics and artificial intelligence innovations.

·      Creation of New Roles

The robotics and artificial intelligence industry continue to evolve and simplify previously complex tasks. As a result, human employees can now focus on more meaningful tasks that robots are not yet capable of executing.

Additionally, the number of robotic and artificial intelligence gadgets is set to rise which means that they will require human employees to provide maintenance and support roles. This means that there will be increased demand for experts who are knowledgeable about AI and robotics at all the development cycle stages.

Studies indicate that a huge percentage of organizations that have already adopted robotics will hire professionals to execute the newly created roles.

Need for Qualified Individuals

Robotics and AI penetrate deeper than just the creation of jobs. Both technology niches require comprehensive knowledge of all parameters. Currently, there is a huge demand for executing micro tasks such as virtual imaging and data analyses, both of which need expertise.

This will give rise to more market and demand for qualified individuals who are capable of executing these tasks skillfully. According to estimations released by Universal Robots, the technology industry faced massive labor shortages in the year 2017.

So dire was the situation such that out of the 500,000 available developer positions in some developed countries, less than 50,000 were skilled enough to fulfill the demand. In another study, the company indicated that a huge percentage of IT employers experienced a major skill gap in their companies.

These statistics indicate that in the present business environment where robotics and AI are taking center stage, there is bound to be increased demand for qualified individuals. Therefore, this is the ideal time for individuals to invest in robotics and AI courses in a bid to fill the increasing demand for qualified individuals in the industry.

·      Inventive Roles

According to studies carried out to establish the impact of robotics and artificial intelligence in various industries, researchers found out that many individuals were anticipating AI to generate more exciting and innovative roles. Evolution in robotics and AI means that machines will execute time-consuming and redundant jobs faster and efficiently.

This will give human workers the opportunity to engage in more inventive roles. Some of the ongoing innovations in the robotics and AI sector have resulted in the emergence of healthcare assistants and driverless cars. These innovations will allow organizations to hire professional individuals to develop, invent, and maintained complementary and allied products.

·      Training, Development, and Research

Robotics and artificial intelligence will prosper as a result of innovation. As at the moment, the industry is still in its early stages and more innovations are yet to be implemented. This means that more skilled individuals will be required to conduct research, training to enhance skills, and development tasks.

Currently, some of the popular organizations are already searching for qualified people to fill in the positions of artificial intelligence trainers, architects, data scientists, neuroscience, mathematics, and linguistics.

Organizations that are already investing in robotics and artificial intelligence are constantly in search of qualified professionals who can drive innovations and conduct research in their existing paradigms.


In the future, many organizations will become more efficient in their operations. Additionally, robotics and AI are set to transform the way business is conducted.


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