Boteler’s annual Temi Abimbola football match


SIR Thomas Boteler Church of England High School staff and students played their annual Temi Abimbola Memorial Trophy football match, sponsored by Temi’s parents.

Boteler student Temi lost his life in June 2009 when, after his English GCSE, Temi and his friends went to Appleton Reservoir.  Tragically, Temi drowned whilst trying to cool down in the heat.  This was an extremely traumatic event for his family, friends and school community.

Every year, in Temi’s memory, staff and Year 11 students compete on the pitch, and the winners are presented with the memorial trophy by Temi’s parents.

Head of English  Neil Vallender commented: “A massive thank you to Year 11, staff and the school community for coming together on a hot summer’s evening to participate in the annual Temi Abimbola football match. Even though the staff won, the atmosphere and sportsmanship on display were a credit to our school: Temi would have been proud.”


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