MP gives support to small businesses


TOMORROW is Small Business Saturday – and Warrington North MP Helen Jones will be giving the day her full support.
She is encouraging cnsumers are being encouraged to “shop small” and celebrate the contribution of entrepreneurs and small firms.
She said: “I am looking forward to backing our local small shops and independent businesses on Small Business Saturday. We should do all we can to thank them for the vital contribution they make to the local economy, adding to the local community and boosting diversity on the High Street.”
Launched in 2013, Small Business Saturday brought a boost to local high streets across the country. Last year’s Small Business Saturday saw customers spent £623m with small businesses – a 24 per cent increase on 2014.
Ms Jones said is encouraging local people to shop locally on what is a key shopping day in the run-up to Christmas.
She said:  “It will be fantastic to build on the success we achieved
with Small Business Saturday in the last three years locally, which is why I’m getting behind the campaign again and giving my support to local businesses.
“There are lots of great businesses in Warrington and the campaign is a great way of raising awareness and helping boost trade.”
For more on Small Business Saturday see


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