Plan for advertising hoardings thrown out


A CONTROVERSIAL plan to erect advertising hoardings on land at the junction of Kingsway South and Farrell Street, Warrington has been thrown out by borough council planning bosses.
Members of the council’s development management committee went against the recommendation of their officers in turning down the application by businessman Patrick Moran.
An earlier meeting had decided they would grant permission for the hoardings subject to an undertaking by the applicant to remove a controversial tyre wall on the site.
But the committee was told Mr Moran had declined to give such an undertaking.
Cllr Jean Flaherty told the committee the site was in an area which had been upgraded due to the Mersey flood defence scheme. This had made the area much more pleasant, with enenjoyable walk along the river bank.
Warrington Rowing Club regularly held regattas on the river in the area and this, together with new housing, had contributed to the improvement.
But the hoarding would be a “blight on the area” and a retrograde step as the area made efforts to lift itself from its deprived area status.
Perhaps more serious was that there had already been a fatal road accident at the junction due to a driver losing concentration.
Mr Moran had previously thought it acceptable for him to create a dump of tyres at the site, on which he was selling advertising space. Some of these tyres were still on the site.
Officers advised the committee that the tyre wall was legal and it was not possible to take enforcement action against it.
Members were advised they had four options – to refuse the application, to approve it on condition the tyre wall was removed, to approve without seeking the condition or to reaffirm their earlier decision.
They pointed out the tyre wall had been reduced in height and was no longer considered to require planning consent.
The committee voted to refuse planning consent for the advertising hoardings on the grounds they would damage the visual amenity of the area.


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