MUMS and daughters in Warrington are being invited to spend quality time together – by entering Cancer Research UK’s “Race for Life” at Victoria Park.
By committing to walk, jog, run and charge their way around the course, mums and daughters will be investing time in creating precious memories together.
The charity is suggesting that signing up for the events in May would be a good Mother’s Day present.
One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. So by getting sponsored to help fund life-saving research, participants will be helping more people survive so they in turn can enjoy more precious moments with their loved ones.
Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is an inspiring women-only
series of 5k and “Pretty Muddy” events which raise millions of pounds every year to help fund life-saving research.
This year, Race for Life Pretty Muddy takes place on Saturday, May 7 with 5k Race for Life the following day.
Jennifer Ward, Race for Life event manager for Warrington, said: “We are urging women in Cheshire to give their mums a special gift this Mother’s Day, by signing up to Race for Life together.
“The feel-good factor that comes from being part of an army of women ready to show cancer who’s boss will last long after the event is over.
“Race for Life events are not competitive. Taking part is not about being fit or fast and participants can choose to walk, jog, run, or even dance around the course if they prefer.
“Pledging to take part in Race for Life, alongside thousands of like minded women, is incredibly motivating.
“The atmosphere at the events is full of emotion. Participants wear signs on their backs declaring their reasons for taking part. Many will be remembering loved ones lost to cancer or celebrating the lives of people dear to them who have survived.”
This year, Race for Life “Pretty Muddy” will take place for the first time.
It is a new women-only, non-competitive 5k obstacle course – with mud. The event is receiving a whole-hearted welcome and places are going fast.
Organisers need 4,600 women and girls to stride out to help raise over £200,000 to help save more lives.
To enter Race for Life’s 5k,10k or Pretty Muddy events visit or call 0300 123 0770.
Get “pretty muddy” in the Race for Life