PARENTS are now paying £750 more for a part-time nursery place than they did five years ago and some families are set to miss out on the new 30 hours free childcare.
Lucy Powell MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Education, made the warning on a visit to Orchard Children’s Centre, where she met parents at a stay and play session to talk to them about services for families.
Since 2010, the cost of childcare has risen by 17%.
Before the general election, Prime Minister David Cameron promised working parents with three and four year-olds an extra 15 hours of childcare, on top of the existing 15 hours.
However, since then the government have reduced the eligibility of the scheme meaning that parents have to earn £107 per week to be eligible.
Figures show that across the country, one in three parents will now miss out because of the change.
Lucy Powell MP said: “It’s great to be visiting Orchard Children’s Centre to learn more about the vital work staff and Warrington Labour are doing to improve services for families. Childcare is a big issue facing families across the borough.
“The Government’s childcare plans are in complete chaos. One in three working parents promised free childcare by David Cameron at the last election will now miss out because Ministers are unable to make the funding for their manifesto childcare pledge add up.
“The government have no strategy to improve the quality of childcare and underfunding is a real issue for how the scheme is delivered. The Tories’ pre-election rhetoric on childcare has failed to match reality and parents, children and our economy will pay the price.”