Creating bird-friendly gardens


BIRD-friendly shrubs and flowers have been planted on to housing developments at Warrington – and residents are being given guidance on how to create their own bird-friendly gardens.
The initiative is at Chapelford Urban Village and Walton Locks, where David Wilson Homes North West are building.
To celebrate its commitment long term to incorporating wildlife-friendly gardens into its landscaping, the comp;any recently invited the RSPB to give a demonstration on how to keep gardens wildlife friendly.
According to the RSPB, gardens stocked with nectar rich plants and shrubs are not only a great way of connecting people with nature, but they are also vital in helping to provide a home for a variety of wildlife
David Wilson sales director Steve Jackson said:  “Wildlife is fundamentally important to the function of our environment. We consider our wildlife-friendly campaign our duty to ensure that nature has a home in our gardens all year round.
“Growing a wide variety of plants will help attract wildlife. Not only will it give you something to look at but offers year round food and shelter, helping many creatures to complete some or all of their life cycles.”


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