£1,000 boost for youth and community centre


LYMM Youth and Community Centre has received a £1,000 boost that will enable it to complete exterior redecoration of their building in Bridgewater Street.
The money has been presented by staff at Lymm’s Sainsbury store, who chose the centre to be its charity of the year.
Store manager Alan Novak presented the cheque at a senior social at the centre.
He had organised a number of fund-raising events involving his staff, local youngsters and volunteers from the youth club.
Even at Christmas, Alan and his staff were at the senior social Christmas meal, helping serve the food.
Lymm Youth and Community Association chairman Steve Griffiths said: “We have always valued our close association with Sainsbury’s and their participation in community events, such as working with their staff at our senior socials and our Halloween events for Young People.
“Local people will have noticed recent renovations at the centre but budget constraints meant the money might run out before the more noticeable improvements to the outside could be completed.
“This generous £1,000 donation will enable the exterior redecoration to be completed for the benefit of all”


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