Unions' row with Labour goes on


THE ongoing row between union bosses and Labour-controlled Warrington Borough Council has taken a further turn for the worse.
Angry union leaders say the Labour chief whip has instructed all members of the Labour group not to respond to emails or calls regarding the dispute over the terms and conditions of borough council staff.
The email, sent by chief whip Cllr Brian Maher (pictured), says: “On behalf of the whips could I request that if you receive any e mails, letters, or phone calls from the Warrington Borough staff, the trade union representatives, or members of the general public regarding the on-going talks dealing with the terms and conditions of the Warrington Borough staff, that you refer all enquiries directly to Cllr Mike Hannon.
“Mike has a difficult task in front of him dealing with this issue and therefore your help and co-operation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.”
As a result, union leader Jason Horan (UNISON) and Bob Pinnock (GMB) have sent their own message to all Labour councillors urging them to “get off the fence” and support council workers in their battle to protect terms and conditions.
The two union chiefs say it is Labour’s duty and responsibility not to make things harder for the council workers.
They say: “It just can’t be right that Labour Councillors are sitting on the fence at such a serious time. Either they come forward to support council employees to protect their terms and conditions or face the wrath of the voters come the local elections.”
The union chiefs say only one Labour councillor – Cllr Kevin Bennett – has broken ranks to support council workers.
They say he has been “cold shouldered” by other councillors and is “paying the price”.
They add: “What happened to democracy? This is more like dictatorship.
“We need to make sure that Labour stands up for public services, with the communities that use them, and for Warrington Borough Council workers. We need a Labour Group campaigning with us, not against us!”
They claimed Labour has not responded to an offer to meet and to have drawn up their own proposals which could achieve the council’s savings target.
“It is becoming clear that our proposals are being hijacked by management to be used once they have made £2m savings from the workforce to make even more savings in the future as part of their own service challenge process.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Thirty four councillors have whips and a chief whip, Monty Python springs to mind. They build themselves higher and higher pedestals and are becoming more and more remote from their constituents.

    I would not want a councillor who ‘does as he is told’ to represent me.

  2. Ealge, remote is an understatement, just read in the midweek Guardian that my local labour councillour is campaining for more duck ponds on Chapleford…………… I do hope he achieves, then the unions could go and talk to the ducks, pretty sure they would get more sense from them instead of this quackers administration!

  3. I have voted Labour for the last 20 years….they sure as hell will not be getting my vote next year. They say they stand for the working class….this attack proves they don’t. What about their allowances??? I heard that nearly £800k was spent on their allowances last year. I bet they won’t be suggesting a cut for themselves!!!

  4. Labour Councillor haha this is the one who works in the bank as the senior business manager he doesn’t know the area – thank heavens for two lib dems that are working for us

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