No more hot food, says council


NO more restaurants, bars or hot food outlets should be allowed in Stockton Heath – in order to protect the village’s “daytime vitality.”
This is the view of the parish council, responding to a discussion document from the borough council looking at the local development framework.
The document says: “Stockton Heath is thriving as the main retail and service centre in South Warrington, and is a popular evening destination where people feel safe.”
Parish councillors agree – but feel the number of restaurants and other food outlets should not be increased from the present level to ensure enough retail outlets are retained to maintain daytime vitality and a balanced and substantial economy.
Coun Graham Roughsedge said the parish council should monitor the development of the village.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I wouldn’t hold your breath on this one. There’s a planning application (2009/15691) currently with the council to turn 51, Walton Road (Currently DCS Computers) into yet another restaurant. This one isn’t even in the centre of the village and is surrounded by houses.

    You can view the plans and indeed comment by going to and selecting the “search planning application online” option. You then need to search for the application number 2009/15691. Comments can be e-mailed to [email protected]. You must include your name and address.

  2. Thanks for the link Rolfman.

    Not another shop going !! DCS Computers are great… are they relocating ?…………..

    Good to hear that AT LAST the Parish Council have come to realise that there is a fast growing problem with the number of food outlets/bars/takeaways vs retail units in the village……….. bit late now though !!!…………………

    And even better to hear Coun Graham Roughsedge saying that the parish council should ‘monitor the development of the village’… ISN’T THAT WHAT THEY ARE THERE FOR AND SHOULD BE DOING ANYWAY after all they are STOCKTON HEATH PARISH COUNCIL… sort of gives it away a bit ha ha 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. As usual when it comes to accessing the councils online planning application portal…the following error occurred tonight. Same old message and coincidence or not it always occurs when something is mentioned in the local news pages !!!!! Durh !



    Form ref: WCHINTLOGIN

    Error Status: -3

    Error Location: 1

    Technical Error Message: Call to WCSINTPAGE.getPage failed

    © Swift LG

  4. Don’t often go to Stockton heath as I live in Thelwall and tend to go to Lymm but I was there last week and was quite shocked at how few decent shops there actually were now. Apart from All That Jazz, it seemed to be jewellery shops, barbers/hairdressers/beauty salons, 3 funeral parlours (!!!) and countless cafes and restaurants – bit disappointing so I agree that duruing the day there’s very little in the terms of retail outlets to tempt people into the village. Sad really.

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