Lonely end to
lonely life
by Gary Skentelbery
IT was a lonely end to a lonely life as Wilf Ball, the father of Warrington IRA bomb victim Johnathan Ball, was finally laid to rest alongside his “little angel.”
Less than 50 mourners attended the funeral of 70-year-old Wilf who died alone from a heart attack at his Grappenhall home, 11 years after suffering a broken heart following the death of his only child.
The three-year-old died with 12-year-old Tim Parry in the 1993 bomb attack on Warrington town centre when more than 50 shoppers were injured in a double bomb blast which rocked the nation.
In total contrast to his son’s funeral when the whole town mourned, few turned up to say a final farewell to Wilf.
Those who did attend included peace campaigner Colin Parry and his wife Wendy, who shared similar grief from the loss of their son, the Mayor of Warrington Ted Lafferty and Samantha Thompson, the young girl who was with Johnathan when he died and has been left Wilf’s Grappenhall home in his will.
Other mourners included neighbour’s Alan and Pat Johnson, who had provided “great support” for Wilf over the past 11 years.
Rector of St Wilfrid’s Rev. Malcolm Kelly said: “Friends and neighbours have gathered to say farewell to Wilf and share in the sadness of a sudden and lonely passing.
“We all know he had more than his fair share of sadness and tragedy in 70 years of life. He was very much a local man who greatly enjoyed his holidays and regular Sunday trips to Rhyl with young Johnathan until the tragic events of the Warrington bombing. We pray that Wilf will now rest in peace.”
Following the funeral Wilf’s dying wish was carried out as he was laid to rest with Johnathan at the Fox Covert cemetary.
Wolves quiz fans
on smoking ban
by David Skentelbery
WARRINGTON Wolves Rugby League Club has taken the bold step of launching a survey among fans on a possible smoking ban at the new ?11 million Halliwell Jones Stadium.
Fans can vote by picking up a form from the club shop, Wolfware, or main reception at the stadium in Winwick Road.
Special boxes are available at both sites where the completed forms can be posted.
In addition, fans can vote online by visiting www.warringtonwolves.com/smoking/smoking.html
The survey was launched following a campaign by some fans who use the club’s website.
A club spokeswoman said any decision made on a no-smoking policy could be implemented by next season – Super League X.
Deadline for voting is Sunday September 12 – Wolves’ last home game of the season, against Bradford Bulls. The result of the poll will be announced after the end of the season.
The final decision will be made by the Wolves’ board, who could decide on several options, depending on the vote. They could decide to make part of the ground no-smoking while allowing it in other parts.
The initiative comes at a time when the Government is considering banning smoking in all public places.
Planners to rule on
alleged breaches
by John Hendon
PLANNING chiefs at Warrington are to rule on two controversial developments where the builder is alleged to have breached regulations.
The schemes, both being carried out by Robert Foden Estates, involve flats and a house in Thelwall New Road, Grappenhall and apartments on land to the rear of Liverpool Road, Great Sankey.
Both schemes are opposed by the local parish councils and nearby residents.
The Grappenhall scheme – already under construction – is said to be significantly higher than the approved plans while at Great Sankey, the partly-built apartment building is said to be about two metres further north than it should be and a double garage has been replaced by two single units.
But planning officers are recommending that both schemes be allowed to go ahead.
Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council has objected to a revised planning application designed to regularise the scheme – which is on the site of the now demolished Locks Service Station.
The parish says the building will be significantly higher than originally envisaged, protruding well above the nearby disused railway embankment. It also appears development is encroaching on the highway.
At Great Sankey, the parish council says planning regulations have been broken and are being allowed to stand. In addition, other planning conditions have been breached.
This is of concern as it may set a precedent for other developers.
Neighbours claim the breaches seem to have been “calculated” rather than accidental.
Planning officers say the developments do not adversely affect the amenities of nearby residents.
Investors in people
award celebration
by Lesley Wilkinson
BUSINESSES in Warrington that have received the Investors in People Award were invited to a celebration event at the Halliwell Jones Stadium.
More than 60 guests attended the ceremony when the Business Link Cheshire and Warrington and the Learning and Skills Council awards, were presented to business from throughout the county.
Paul Cullen, head coach of Warrington Wolves, congratulated the recipients. He was also thrilled that the club will be receiving its own IIP award later this year.
Sandra Brusby of Business Link and Julia Dowd of the Learning and Skills Council, Cheshire said: “Having well-trained and skilled people in the local workforce is vitally important to the economy of Cheshire and Warrington.
“This event is recognition of how the people here today have worked hard to expand the skills base of their teams and companies, which further adds to the growing economical prosperity of the area,” they added.
Shopping centre to
be given a boost
by Lesley Wilkinson
A MAJOR campaign to promote the Hatters Row shopping centre, Warrington, gets underway in the autumn with the launch of a website and a celebrity visit.
The centre, in Horsemarket Street, has a range of independent shops and plans are to attract more shoppers and new traders to boost its appeal.
Warrington Market business team is seeking new traders to fill empty units at the site. The new website will allow people to see the development and details about the shops.
A famous television personality, whose identity is being kept secret for now, has agreed to spearhead the campaign.
Market manager Stephen Pickering said: “The council wishes to encourage new businesses to open in Hatters Row and already has some units under offer to new and interesting businesses.”
Further details will be available on the website from September from www.hattersrow.co.uk or by telephoning Stephen on 01925 632571.
Taxi firm hit
by arsonists
by staff reporter
ARSONISTS climbed on the roof of the Abba Cars taxi office in Knutsford Road, Warrington, during the night and started two separate fires. It was the second time the premises had been hit by arsonists in two months.
No-one was in the office at the time but about 10 sq meters of roof was destroyed.
The premises is under renovation at the moment and not in use. But a Fire Service spokesman said the damage was confined to the exterior of the building and is unlikely to delay the re-opening.
A gentle cycle
ride on offer
by staff reporter
POTENTIAL athletes interested in training with fellow enthusiasts from Warrington are invited to join a series
of gentle cycle rides.
Warrington Tri Club, a group promoting the sport of triathlon for beginners to seasoned athletes, is planning a series of rides from Stockton Heath.
One of the organisers Rhys Billington said: “All abilities are welcome, people can meet for a gentle cycle ride in Stockton Heath.”
Full details of routes and times are available from www.warringtontriclub.org.uk