DETAILED plans for the first phase of the controversial Peel Hall development have been lodged with Warrington Borough Council’s planning department.
The proposals relate to the layout, scale, and appearance of some 405 dwellings, including 114 affordable homes.
Outline planning consent has already been granted by the Secretary of State, on appeal, for up to 1,200 homes, shops, restaurants, offices, a family pub/restaurant, primary school and sports pitches on land at Peel Hall.
This consent also provides for access to the site, including the demolition of five properties in Poplars Avenue.
The reserved matters application has been submitted by house builders Countryside Partnership.
They say it is now up to the borough council to work proactively with them to secure development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions in the Peel Hall area.
“Countryside is committed to delivering residential development at land at Peel Hall which, in its entirety, will provide major benefits including new homes, extra care provision, primary school, sports provision, care home, public open space and a new local centre, both for existing and future residents.”
They urge the borough council to grant the application without delay.
Borough planning officers are now studying the proposals.
It follows a lengthy campaign by local residents opposing the development in the “last remaining green lung in north Warrington.”
It’s disgraceful that permission has been granted to destroy this last remaining green space in North Warrington …. our green spaces are invaluable for the health and welfare of both ourselves and wildlife and once destroyed its gone for ever
I bet WBC are rubbing their hands in glee thinking of all that council tax revenue they will be collecting without any regard for what damage and distress they have caused
No mention of any medical centre being built ?
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