CONTROVERSIAL plans for a lap dancing venue in a town centre nightclub have been met with uproar as Warrington Borough Council says it must consider any application in accordance with the law.
Following Warrington Worldwide’s exclusive story on a licensing application to open a sexual entertainment centre at The Truth nightclub on Frair’s Gate, hundreds of people took to social media to voice their opposition -although there were some people in favour.
It follows a licensing application to open a sexual entertainment centre, including lap dancing, pole dancing, striptease and table dancing on the first floor of the premises
Opening hours being sought are from 7 pm to 3 am seven days a week.
The application is being made in the name of We Warrington Holdings Group Ltd and is understood to be the management of the existing nightclub but will operate as a separate business should a licence be granted.
More than 300 comments were posted on social media in reaction to the story, the majority opposed to the idea of a lap dancing venue in the town centre. A sample of comments can be seen below.
Well that should look good on the Town’s cv and application for City status. Hey I’m no prude but I thought this sort of was consigned to history.
As if the town couldn’t go any lower …. how degrading..
Warrington reaching rock bottom,that’s all we need
Sleazy, no respect of people, just respect for money
What year are we? We think this is ok in this day and age? Promoting sexual advances against women when it’s women who can’t walk home alone of a night anymore! But it’s ok if moneys involved! This is a disgrace!
I am ashamed to say I live here.
I wonder how many ladies who are complaining have seen males strippers on hen nights etc. It’s controlled. It’s consensual. It’s human. It’s not hurting anyone.
Why are people so mad about it? No-one is forcing you to go and you shouldn’t be shaming people who are into it, each to their own. The girls who would be working as lap dancers etc. would be there of their own accord, no-one is holding them at gun point. There’s plenty of jobs they could apply for yet they CHOOSE to be dancers. Some girls enjoy being watched and being perceived as sexy. Some girls enjoy the job, it’s your own problem if you think it’s ‘degrading’. Considering these comments are coming from grown adults it’s quite embarrassing for you really, grow up and let people live.
Those quick to say ‘It’s degrading to women’
These are the days of equality now. I’m absolutely certain there are establishments aimed for ladies too. Who said this won’t cater for those ladies who wish to visit too?
When asked for his views on the proposed venue in his constituency, Warrington South MP Andy Carter said: “- I thought we were a little past Lap Dancing clubs in 2024- I’m sure the very sensible members of the licensing committee will make the right decision on the application once they’ve studied the application very carefully.”
A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “As the licensing authority we must consider any application in accordance with the law. There is a 28-day consultation period and further information is available on our website”.
The full application states:
Notice is hereby given that We Warrington Holdings Group Ltd (full names):
applied on 6th February 2024
to Warrington Borough Council in respect of the premises known as:
Name: 15-17 Friar’s Gate
Address (including postcode): 15/17 Friar’s Gate, Warrington, WA1 2RR
under the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1982, Part II, Schedule 3, for the Grant
of a Licence to use the premises as a Sexual Entertainment Venue*
Any person objecting to this application should give notice in writing stating in
general terms the grounds of the objection to:
Licensing Section, Town Hall, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH or by
E-mailing [email protected]
No later than 28 days after the date of the application, stating the grounds for
What’s happened to the article regarding the indifference between the conservatives and lib dems on Warrington council over the £1.8 billion pounds debt the residents of Warrington have incurred because of the incompetence of the Labour and lib dems on Warrington council
Stories normally only stay on the home page for 24 hours maximum unless they make the top 10. But they are all still online in the news column