Council seeking court injunction at a cost of £50k to end bin strike


WITH the bin strike in Warrington set to enter a fourth round tomorrow, Tuesday, Warrington Borough Council is seeking a court injunction, at a cost of £50,000, in a bid to resolve the ongoing pay dispute.

In a letter to council members before the weekend, Chief Executive Prof Steven Broomhead wrote: “Having followed legal advice throughout the industrial dispute we have attempted to resolve the issue via appropriate negotiations and discussion including a corporate Joint Consultative Committee on 8 November 2023. Unfortunately and regrettably, Unite have not been responsive to our position that we are prepared to consider all local issues as long as they are dealt with through our agreed local negotiating processes. Our other Trade Unions, Unison and GMB have been cooperative and responsible throughout this dispute.

“We are now at the stage where the Council has now had to challenge the legal mandate for the continuation of the industrial action. I attach the letter from WBC and the response from Unite. The Unite response is somewhat bizarre and surreal. In essence, Unite are indicating that they are not willing to cease the industrial action as they believe they are still in dispute regarding pay despite the national pay settlement being agreed. They were a party to this agreement.
“Given these circumstances, we have no choice to seek an injunction at the High Court regarding the continuation of the industrial action. We are attempting to place the matter in the High Court ASAP for consideration, but it is likely to be 8/10 days time. Our legal costs will be in the order of £50k.
“We continue to request that Unite cease their industrial action and join us on local negotiations on their matters of concern. I would request that consider supporting us on this objective.
“Our residents and businesses deserve better than this. I am sure you will be concerned about the current impact of the dispute.
“We are now taking advice from Public Health and the Local Government Association to assist us in resolving the dispute.”

Last week Unite regional officer, Samantha Marshall said: “The council’s legal threats are a pointless and expensive waste of taxpayers’ money. The council’s action will only serve to drag out the ongoing strike for even longer.
“Unite’s door remains open for talks. This is the only way to end the strike. Warrington Borough Council should be negotiating with key workers instead of paying lawyers. We continue to call on the council to do the deal that’s needed to get the workers back on the job.”
She added:”Our members are still waiting on a written offer from WBC to move matters forward, as without a formal offer we are unable to ballot our members to either pause or end the strike action. It would be helpful for WBC to explain why they have taken the approach that they have and why they are unable to make a local decision to resolve this local issue by local means when other Councils across England and Wales have been able to.”
For the latest council updates on the bin strike CLICK HERE

Bin strike set to continue as Union says council legal threats are pointless and a waste of tax payers’ money


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Take the 50k court costs out of the bin man’s wages .
    The residents are not paying for their selfish actions and Warrington borough Council s stupid actions through our council tax

    • With all the money the council are saving in binmens’ wages they could presumably pay Biffa to empty the bins at least once this month rather than expect impoverished residents top pay for private collection of waste Or do we need to wait for a rat infestation before the council actually does something useful.

    • Even better idea – to h**l with the legal position- terminate striker’s contracts and refuse to re-employ any of them. The consequences of holding your employers (and by extension the general public) should be swift and severe if they don’t want to work, I’m reasonably sure there will be a queue of willing and able people to take their places. It’s time these people grow up and realise that sometimes life isn’t fair – just deal with it like the the rest of the population of this country.

  2. The strike has last for too long that as a citizen of Warrington, I cannot stand in the side of the bin collecting workers anymore. It is just too annoying to have no bin collection service for over two months. I urge the council to find another team to replace the current one and bring all Warrington residents to normal life instead of queuing up near the recycling centres for dumping their waste once every few days. That is totally unacceptable.

  3. clearly Warrington council are at fault as they are using this strike as way to make a cut in payments. after all 1.8 billion in debt and saving money not paying bin workers for 3 months

    each week the council make a vague promise of bins being emptied soon only on friday night change it

  4. The Labour councillors on WBC should be made to pay for their lack of proactive action in this terrible saga .
    Come May 2024 put your X on another candidates voting card

  5. to all you so called BINMEN!

    ***YOU BE SACKED SOON*** 🙂

    when you come back to work the general public will have NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER FOR ANY OF YOU!

  6. DONT PAY FOR GREEN BIN NEXT YEAR! hit these binmen hard with very few paying for green bins next year!
    you be made REDUNDANT next year because who will pay for a green bin to be emptied but NOT EMPTIED! next year? 🙁

  7. Maybe the council should be sorting out putting skips in areas because I’m disabled and my house is also full of rubbish as I’m trying to stop vermin, but how am I suppose to take stuff to the tip?? I’m a wheelchair user and not driving so how can I get it all to the tip??

    • the council dont give a crap about anyone!
      they expect everyone to live like TRAMPS!

  8. For Gods sake someone show some common sense. Pay the national pay rise and get back to work. Agree further issues with negotiations whilst sorting the backlog of waste. To the council if all else fails, use your emergency powers and bring in private contractors and police to cross any picket lines. Use environmental powers and any other powers that you have to get the waste collected. Dont not allow a few waste collection workers and bolshy a union to hold the whole of Warrington to ransom.

  9. If an agreement was reached and agreed upon by all unions and Unite think they and their sheep can hold the council to ransom they are going to have to think again. Most residents are not supporting the bin men now and support the Councils stance.

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