Climate Change; Environmental effects and Sustainable energy


The environment has seen so much destruction in recent years. These destructions have been a result of extreme weather conditions. Flash floods, typhoons, hurricanes, drought, and bushfires are some of these destructive conditions. The changing climate condition in the world has raised vital concerns.

Scientific research works have associated climate change with human activities. The daily activities of humans have contributed greatly to the degradation of the environment. The cause of the changing climate is a group of substances called greenhouse gases (GHG). The planet is gradually deteriorating because of their atmospheric presence.

There are continuous initiatives to remove greenhouse gases from the environment. To achieve this, the world has to switch to sustainable energy. Environmental-friendly energy sources will help to stop the environment from collapsing. This article will discuss the effects of climate change and sustainable energy. Read further to learn more about sustainability reporting.

Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming 

GHG are not completely evil. These gases are needed in moderate quantities in the atmosphere to regulate temperature. They are capable of absorbing solar heat. A cloud of greenhouse gases covers the earth when they are in excess in the atmosphere. They make the earth hotter by absorbing solar heat.

Global warming is the term used to describe the earth’s rising temperature. It leads to climate change. Currently, reports show that global warming is worse today than it ever was. Rising temperatures are altering climate dynamics and disrupting the natural balance. This problem poses a threat to the planet and the lives existing on it.

How GHG emissions are produced

Human actions are why GHGs persist in the atmosphere. The daily activities of humans introduce these gases into the atmosphere. This article will highlight some of these activities.

Generation of Power

Electricity is a fundamental human need. The production of electrical energy raises environmental concerns. Most of the power consumed globally is generated by the burning of fossil fuels. Several GHGs are released as a consequence of the energy generation process.

Only a little below 25% of electricity consumed is generated from renewable sources.

Material processing

Fuels are burned in the industrial and processing sectors to create energy. They use this energy to produce a variety of goods. Many GHGs are released as a result of this activity. Vital Commodities like plastics, metals, gasoline, and cement are produced daily. This means that more harmful gases persist in the atmosphere daily.


Every mode of transportation runs on fuel. Cars, ships, trains, and planes burn fossil fuels to power their engines. Carbon gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are emitted in this sector. The transport sector accounts for a large part of global emissions.

Road transportation contributes the most emission in the sector. This is because the engine of vehicles is powered by PMS and other petroleum products. Most of the carbon emissions in the world are accounted for by road transport.

Food production and preparation

Humans require energy to make food. Fossil fuels are the primary energy source for the production of food. These fuels are burnt to produce food domestically and industrially. The outcome is a significant release of carbon compounds into the atmosphere.

There are other factors also in play here. Producing food also involves agricultural and deforestation activities. These activities also contribute to the emission of carbon. Packaging food commodities also contribute to emissions.


Plants are very crucial elements in the environment. They assist in lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They produce their food using carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis. The significance of this is that plants reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide.

What impacts does climate change have?

The effects of climate change are devastating. Lives and properties are lost. The environment suffers destruction. See some of the effects below:

Very high temperatures

Temperature increases are the main consequence of GHGs. Since the 1980s, the temperature has been rising globally. Heat waves are now becoming popular. The health of humans is greatly affected by this.

The rising temperature is the principal cause of wildfires. Recently, the world has seen many forest fire disasters because of this.

Devastating storms

The temperature rise unbalances the water cycle. More volume of water evaporates. This results in more volume of rainfall and destructive storms. Flooding happens as a result of this. Destructive storms like hurricanes, cyclones, and others also occur. All of this results in the loss of lives and properties.


This is another effect of global warming. Drought is usually the consequence in regions where the availability of water is low. This affects agricultural productivity negatively. It may also result in desert encroachment. Lives are eventually threatened due to a lack of food and water.

The rise in sea levels

Most of the heat produced as a result of global warming is absorbed by the ocean. Icebergs melt due to the high temperature. The volume of water increases because of this. Coastal areas and habitats face the threat of flood. The absorbed carbon dioxide makes the ocean acidic. Marine animals are endangered as a result.

The need for sustainability in energy

Climate change has brought about adverse effects on the environment. Energy has been a contributing factor to this. The world needs to meet current energy demands without destroying the environment further. This challenge has raised concerns about sustainable sources of energy.

Some sustainable sources of energy include solar, wind, and water. It is vital to know the distinction between renewable and sustainable energy. Some renewable sources of energy like biomass are not sustainable. This is because greenhouse gases are produced when using them. It is not an environmentally friendly energy source.

The world is going through its roughest patch. Climate change has taken a toll on the planet. Storms are hitting hard, and floods are ravaging communities. Drought is turning farmlands into deserts. Moving forward, all hands must be on deck. Now, more than ever, the world needs sustainable sources of energy.


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