5 Ways to Keep Your Face and Jaw Healthy


Your face is often the first thing that people notice about you, so it’s unsurprising that most of us want our face to look as good as it can be.

As we get older, our facial shape will go through some natural changes. For example, if the muscles have started to shrink or there is excess fat in the neck and jaw area, the jawline might become less defined. While you can’t completely prevent the signs of aging, the good news is that there are some things that you can do to keep your face and jaw healthy and looking great.

Facial Exercises

Facial exercises can be used to combat aging, improve the appearance of the face, and improve muscle strength. Including facial exercises in your routine can help to tone the facial muscles and give your face a slimmer appearance. There are several options to consider including puffing your cheeks out and pushing the air from side to side, holding a smile while you clench your teeth, and puckering up your lips on either side of your face. Mewing is another popular facial exercise to try, where you focus on tongue placement inside the mouth to improve posture. You can learn more in this how to guide on mewing.

See the Dentist

Your teeth are not the only thing that are impacted if you don’t look after your dental health or fail to visit the dentist for regular checkups. Don’t wait until you are feeling pain in a tooth before you get checked up, as by that point, damage might have been done that is impacting your jaw as well. If you have dental issues, then this could lead to you eating more on one side of your mouth than the other which over time can mean one side of the jaw is exercised more than the other. Keep up with dental hygiene and checks to not only keep your teeth in great condition, but also your face and jaw.

Deal with Teeth Grinding

If you grind your teeth at night, this will not only impact your dental health but also your jaw health. It can put a lot of pressure on the jaw and lead to pain and discomfort. Firstly, it is a good idea to try and determine why this is occurring. Many people grind their teeth during their sleep due to high stress and anxiety levels throughout the day. Stress management is crucial for preventing this and the jaw damage that it can cause. You can also sleep in a mouth guard to prevent tooth grinding.

Improve Your Diet

Improving your diet will have widespread benefits for your entire body and will also contribute to a healthier jaw and face. The food you eat can impact your face and jaw in many ways including improving your skin and helping you lose fat from around the face and chin. Ideally, you should consume a diet that is high in protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Not only will you begin to see a difference in your face, but you’ll also feel better overall.

Drink More Water

Water is needed for collagen production in the body, which has a direct impact on the condition of your skin. If you want to look more youthful and have a healthier, glowing facial appearance then making sure that you are adequately hydrated is essential. Not only that, but you’ll also see the benefits of drinking more water in all other aspects of your health and wellbeing both physically and mentally.

When it comes to keeping your jaw and face healthy, there are lots of things that you can do.


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