Weight Loss Surgery in the UK vs Abroad


Day by day people are more concerned about their physical appearance. Excess  weight is known to be an insecurity for many people. They feel bad about their  appearance and want to be fit and keep their body working, So, people look for a permanent solution to lose weight.

Trying alternative methods such as dieting,  and exercising might not work for everyone. Not everyone is the same. These  people who cannot lose weight even if they try everything are looking for a  permanent solution. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a weight loss operation that is  permanent and does not leave any scarring on the body. This surgery is the most  preferred operation in its field and results always come out positive.

Just like anywhere else in the world, people from the UK want to lose weight  with medical procedures but they cannot get it done in the UK. The UK is not a  good option for medical procedures in terms of prices and insurance. Most  insurances do not compensate for weight loss surgeries performed at the NHS.  Even if they do, in extreme cases, the waiting list is full for months. This makes  people choose between either waiting for months – unhappy with their  appearance -, or paying huge amounts of money. Thus, they start to look for  alternative destinations.

Because of the high prices and insurance, people look for better prices without  sacrificing quality. The most preferred option for medical operations such as  Gastric Sleeve Surgery is Turkey in terms of price, quality, advanced technology,

and professional surgeons. Lower cost and the innovative medical field make  Turkey one of the most popular and preferred destinations for medical surgeries  for people from the UK.

Gastric sleeve cost UK is very high, especially when compared to the surgery  costs in Turkey. The prices in the Uk are known to be 3-4 times higher in contrast  to Turkey. This means that a person from the UK can travel to Turkey, get their  surgery done at a Professional hospital and return home by paying less than half  of the price in the UK.


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