4 Awesome Tips For Every Espresso Lover


If you are a coffee fanatic, then you know what an espresso cup can do for you. people take coffee for different reasons. If you have the same taste, it’s an absolute yes that you got an excellent opinion about espresso.

In most parts of the world, espresso is the most consumed coffee. Additionally, you have different places where coffee is planted, different coffee species, and coffee products. Coffee taste takes form and becomes real depending on the manufacturing processes and how the coffee was prepared. Below are four awesome tips for every espresso lover.

Using The Portafilter

Before you think of dosing your coffee, make sure it is well-cleaned. Check for any leftovers from the previous use and clean as they can add a bitter taste to your coffee. There are several tips for using a portafilter for better results. The first one is cleaning it thoroughly. You also need to make sure that you are using the correct portafilter. Before you put the coffee beans in the machine, first rinse them with water. Remember to use filtered water for this step. Using tap water might alter the taste of your coffee, and you don’t experience this.

Apart from this, tap water may damage your machine because of its hardness. Water allows for evenness when heating the beans. the same applies when using other coffee-making equipment. when making your daily espresso, you need to ensure that you have the right milk frothing machine for the job. Choosing a frothing machine, or any equipment involved in the making of espresso requires a lot of brainstorming. Among the factors that you’ll need to consider when choosing espresso-making equipment include:

  • Efficiency – When making espresso, you need the right equipment that is not only efficient but effective. a cup of espresso is divine and the equipment used to make one should have some oomph in them
  • Quality – Consider espresso-making equipment that is of superior quality. This means they’ll serve you long, produce the best espresso cups, and ensure that you maintain a steady flow of customers
  • Brand – With so many brands out there, it can be overwhelming to decide on the best ones to rely on. Check on the company’s trustworthiness, authenticity, certifications, and while in the same vein, do not forget to read online review


Once you’ve got the right coffee beans, you need to grind them. The process helps extract flavors from the beans. For this step, you need to use a burr grinder as it uses lower heat compared to a blade grinder. Too much heat will only reduce the freshness of the coffee, so avoid it. When grinding your coffee beans, make sure that they are not too fine and not too coarse. When the grind is coarse, it will only block water from infusing with the contents. If you use the too fine mix to make the coffee, you may get the solid and bitter extract. The best size of the grind is the size of sugar, and thus, ensuring you get the right taste and flavor for your espresso.

Type of Beans to Use

To enjoy your expresso, you should replace Robusta beans with Arabica beans. The latter has various aromas, and flavors compared to the former. The other reason why you should choose Arabica beans is that they grow under the perfect weather conditions suitable for the growth of coffee. On the other hand, Robusta beans suffer many defects when being manufactured. For this reason, they are of low quality compared to Arabica beans. Using Robusta beans to brew your coffee may give you a bitter beverage. Although Arabica may be expensive compared to Robusta, the quality and taste are worth each penny. When getting the beans, make sure you buy the freshly roasted ones or roast them yourself. Fresh beans give fresh flavors.


When it comes to tamping, make sure you maintain consistent pressure for better results. This means using the right tools to pack your coffee. If you want to enjoy your espresso with a pleasing aroma and flavor, be sure to level the coffee evenly. If you don’t tamper consistently, you may end up with a lousy flavor which only ruins your coffee. Failure to tamp coffee correctly allows more water in. Why tamping? you might ask. This is an essential process for eliminating any possible air pockets from the mix, ensuring a good coffee puck level. When the coffee stays up after tamping, that is when you know it is good to go.


The process of making espresso can be complicated. However, you don’t have to master the process at once. The more you practice, the more you have better chances of making the best coffee. Whether you are a barista or developing an interest in espresso coffee, the above tips will help make a well-flavored beverage. You can also search the internet for more tips or enquire from the experts.



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