Improved cycle path will cost £1.162 million


TOWN Hall chiefs at Warrington are to be asked to approve a £1.162 million budget for the provision of an improved and widened cycle path along Chester Road into the town centre.

Members of the borough council’s cabinet will also be asked to award a contract for the work to be carried out early in the New Year when they meet on January 11.
The scheme is an upgrade of the existing cycle route along the west side of Chester Road, Wilderspool Causeway and Knutsford Road, ending at the southern end of Bridge Street.
It will provide people with a choice about how they travel into the town centre, encourage h ealthier lifestyles, improve highway safety and develop a resilient and efficient transport network that supports the town’s growth.
The Cheshire and Warrington Local Growth Fund will contribute £600,000 of the cost, with the borough council providing £562,000 from capital borrowing.
The cycle path will be 1.5km long and will consist of a 3.0m tarmacked path, following the line of the existing path or pavement.
It will benefit all users, but particularly wheelchair and mobility scooter users.
There will also be an improved Toucan crossing in Wilson Patten Street to benefit pedestrians and cyclists and help access to the town centre.
A survey carried out in 2018 showed that more than 3,200 cycle and pedestrian trips go over Warrington Bridge every day – and the number is said to have significantly increased since then.


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