Lymm trio to climb Kilimanjaro for charity


AN intrepid trio from Lymm are to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for raise money for a charity that works to provided clean water and toilets for isolated communities in Kenya.

The charity is DigDeep and the local trip will be climbing it in August next year.
Team leader is Dan Hodgson and his companions will be Raj Virk and Adam Farini.
Kilimanjaro is the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, at 5,895 metres and it has been Dan’s lifelong ambition to climb it.
Dan said: “In Kenya 8 out of 10 people lack access to clean water, safe toilets and good hygiene. That is 80 per cent of a 51 million population.
“This is because most residents live in rural communities, subsistent communities, that do not pay tax or in turn receive investment from the Kenyan government to develop much needed clean water facilities or toilets.
“Residents spend hours walking to collect clean water or finding safe places to go to the toilet. DigDeep’s dream is to allow these hours to be reallocated.
“By providing toilets and clean water, children can spend more time in education and residents can spend more time earning money for their families.
“Every £1 invested leads to £8 of economic returns!”
The three climbers will be raising £2,600 each, half of which will go to Kenyan communities and the half into Tanzania, paying for equipment and guides.
Anyone who wants to join the trip will be welcome.
Dan said: “We are now open for recruitment and genuinely anyone can do this climb. My Dad did it at 50 years old and he came back in one piece!).
“ Currently the team consists of the three of us, but we expect that to grow substantially.It’s a great challenge for a terrific cause and anyone is welcome to join us.”
The trio’s fundraising page is
DigDeep’s official website is



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