4 Reasons to Train Your Dog in Manchester


If you want a happy relationship with your dog, you might need help with training him.  Dog training is not just about punishing your dog until it carries out commands.

Sometimes you will need a little help with a dog causing you a lot of stress, this is when a professional Manchester dog trainer can really help put you out of your misery and change your dog’s behaviour for the better.

Do not give up on your pooch if you’re finding his behaviour extremely challenging. Instead, invest some money into a professional and you may find yourself with a completely different dog by the end of their training course.
Building a Positive Relationship
Just as humans, dogs need to be taught in different ways so even if you have had dogs throughout your life and always been able to train them no problem, this dog may just need to be taught in a different way to understand. Remember, dogs aren’t clever enough to know they are being naughty, we need to stay patient, they do not know what is right and wrong to do in a household. Many trainers use positive training, which rewards your dog for positive behaviours, motivating him to do it again.

This builds a happy and positive relationship between the two of you. This is much better than those who believe you should be your dogs “boss”. This will just lead them to fear you in certain situations and this can be physically and mentally damaging to your dog’s health. The most effective teaching methods are those that are used without the need for any physical force leading to more self-controlled and predictably behaved pups.
Increase Social Interaction Skills
This is incredibly important if you have guests in the house frequently or if you are a parent. We want our dogs to enjoy social interaction as much as we do and sometimes they just need to understand the boundaries of this. Teaching him social interaction can help him feel happy and confident with home life, meaning less challenging behaviour. Manchester dog training can sometimes prove more difficult, as the big city can provide many extra distractions for your pup. For this reason, hiring proper Manchester dog trainers, such as those from Dog Harmony who want to help you “Achieve inner peace of mind for you and your dog”, is the best idea as the trainers here have had the proper experience needed to work with the dogs.
Giving a pup good chances to socialise will mean less anxiety when he becomes an adult. This takes constant commitment but will pay off. Humans do not always socialise through touch and this is why it is good to teach your dog that they can socialise and be in the room without always having to play or be stroked. This is also good to teach your children. They wouldn’t want to be touched 24/7 and dogs need their space too.

To Have Loyalty and Friendship

Dog owners want a canine friend. They want a happy, healthy relationship from both sides and just crave the loyalty that comes with owning a canine. Dogs can be great friends, but they sometimes just need a little help. If you have children, you may have taught them a certain way that you wouldn’t think of using to teach your dog, but it can work. Discipline should never be used as a way to intimidate. Violence of any kind is not ok for humans, so why should it be for animals who understand even less? You may want to discipline your dog for bad behaviour in the form of ignoring behaviour you do not want in your home, time outs, or vocally interrupting. Guiding your pup or dog to make the right choices rather than be forced into them will make him understand that he needs to do them and this will eventually increase your bond as he starts to do what he is told without the need for time outs.

Teaching Your Dog Specifically

The good thing about getting a dog trainer is they can see what your dog struggles with and can teach them skills that they need to live happily in the human world. The misconception people may have when it comes to dog training is that they sit in a classroom and get taught to sit and come. This is not true and dogs may misunderstand different things. For example, your pup may always want to jump on new people. This is a sign of him showing his excitement, but this may scare new guests or as your pup grows, could cause physical damage to yourself or your children. Continuously teach him to not jump when new guests enter; he will slowly start to understand this is not how we greet people and he will learn to control his excitability.

The only way to change your misconceptions about dog trainers is to get yourself out there and experience a session. Feel free to call up and talk to a Manchester dog trainer about what they offer and if it is right for you. It could lead to a happy household and help with your dog’s challenging behavior.



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